Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
458 Index

ruler increments, 384
rulers, 136
Rulers command, 383
Rulers pop-up menu, xxii
ruler tool, 42, 43, 61
Ry G. Cbm, 185


Samsung, 295
Saturate mode, 100
saturation, 181, 215
adjusting, 103
Saturation slider (Camera Raw), 310
Saturation slider (HDR Pro), 330
Saturation value, lowering, 191
Save for Web and Devices, 420
Save Mesh, 274
scaling vectors, 375
scarring, 107
Screen blend mode, 67, 149, 162
screen image, matching print output
to, 429
screen modes, cycling through, 9
scrolling and scroll bars, 9
search engines and metadata, 25
selection outlines, 65, 91, 341
Selection Preview pop-up menu, 345
selections, 63–91
adding to/subtracting from, 64
exact shape of, 79
fringing around selection edges, 88
hiding/showing selection outline,
Inverse (reverse the selection), 64
irregular images, 66–74
isolating image element, 65
loading channel as selection, 374
pasting image into a selection, 64
quick selections and quick mask
mode, 80–90
regions of continuous color, 74–80
(see also lasso tool; magnetic lasso
tool; polygonal lasso tool)
selective control, 182
Select Shadow Color color picker
window, 154
sequence numbers (batch rename), 34
sequential images, 14
series duplication, 400, 417
Set all Border options, xxi
shadows, 182, 215

setting clipping point for shadows,
Shadows/Highlights command, 213
Shadows/Highlights command, 212–
215, 249
advanced options, 213
Color Correction option, 213
Radius value, 213
shadows, 213
Tonal Width options, 213
Shadow slider (HDR Pro), 330
Shape Layers icon, 396
shape library, 405
changing text into a shape, 264
drawing and editing, 395–407
duplicating, 398
Layers panel
Convert to Shape, 396
scale, rotate, and move, 399
transforming and duplicating, 398
Sharp antialiasing option, 378, 385
sharpening images, 213, 220–227, 257
Clarity slider (Camera Raw), 310
overly sharpened, 213
using blur to sharpen images,
(see also Smart Sharpen filter;
Unsharp Mask filter)
Sharpen submenu, 220
shield attributes, 49
shortcut menu of options, 9
shortcuts (see keyboard shortcuts)
Show Crosshair in Brush Tip check
box, xxii
Show Mesh check box, 274
Show Tooltips, 19
Sidecar file, 296, 335
single-line composer, 387
size box, 9
Slideshow, 19, 37
slide show mode (Bridge), 19
smart filters, 171, 243, 246–247, 249, 257
Convert for Smart Filters command,
237, 392
generating Smart Filters file,
masking effects of, 245
nondestructive, 236–250
smart objects, 171, 227–236, 257
camera raw files, 235
cost, 236
DNG files, 235
duplicating, 248

Illustrator, 228
modifying pixel-based, 233
raw images, 306
Smart Radius, 370, 371
Smart Sharpen filter, 220–229,
Amount value, 222
dekeKeys shortcut, 221
fading, 227
More Accurate, 223
Radius value, 222
Smooth antialiasing option, 385
Smooth button, 207
smooth point, 358, 371
smudge tool, 95, 371
masks, 347
Snap command, 377
snapshot, 84, 91, 98–100, 109, 127
source point, 105, 127
source space (printing), 427
spacebar and dragging, 69
sponge tool, 96, 103, 127
modifying saturation levels, 100
Spotlight, xxii
spot removal tool (Camera Raw), 316
stacking order, 133, 145, 177
stacks, 4, 21–23
drawing a, 397
duplicating, 398
scale, rotate, and move, 399
static filter, 218
status bar, 9
image size, 56
Status Bar command (Window menu),
Steller, Dustin, 96
stop color and angle, 150
Straighten button, 42, 43, 61
straightening crooked images, 42–46
cropping, 44
straighten tool (Camera Raw), 310
straight segment, 361, 371
Stroke effect, 155
Strong antialiasing option, 385
subtractive primaries, 422, 447
synchronizing color settings, xix

tabbed windows, xxi
Tab key, toggling between hiding/
showing, 9
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