Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Batch Renaming

The mysterious number that comes out of your digital
camera is not the most meaningful of filenames. All these
exercises, and we have yet to name a single image. Well,
that’s about to change. In the next steps, you’ll not only
name a single image, you’ll name lots of images, and all
at the same time:

  1. Restore the saved workspace. We’re still inside the
    Bridge for this exercise. Assuming that you saved
    the custom workspace and shifted it to the second
    position (see Step 20 on page 20), then added another
    workspace in Step 5 on page 26, you can choose Big
    Thumbs w/ Panels in the applications bar or press
    Ctrl+F3 (�-F3) to revive that workspace now.

  2. Navigate to the Max Mural folder. Lo-
    cate the Lesson 01 folder inside the Lesson
    Files-PsCS5 1on1 folder, and open the Max
    Mural folder (see Figure 1-33). Inside are a dozen
    photographs shot over the course of several weeks.
    They show the progress of a mural I painted in my
    eldest son’s bedroom, inspired by what was for a
    brief moment his favorite book, Maurice Sendak’s
    Where the Wild Things Are. (I keep thinking this will
    be his favorite book, but that hasn’t happened yet.)

  3. Rename the first image. Click the first image to
    select it, and then click its filename, located below
    its thumbnail, which is P3226430.jpg. (Or press
    the F2 key for a handy shortcut.) The Bridge high-
    lights P3226430 so you can rename it without
    changing the .jpg extension. (I assume you can
    see the extension, which is a system-level prefer-
    ence setting. If you can’t, don’t worry about it.)
    Type a more descriptive filename, such as “Max-
    BedroomPencil-1” (see Figure 1-34). Then press
    the Tab key to record the name and advance to the
    second image.

  4. Rename the second image. By pressing Tab, you
    advance to the second image and highlight its name.
    Enter the by-now-approved, improved filename
    “MaxBedroomPencil-2.” Press Tab to accept the
    change and move to the third thumbnail.

Figure 1-33.

Figure 1-34.

32 Lesson 1: Open and Organize
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