Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Select the crop tool in the toolbox. Click the crop tool in the
    toolbox (see Figure 2-16) or press C for Crop (not to mention
    Clip, Cut, and Curtail).

  2. Draw the crop boundary. Drag inside the image window to
    draw a rectangle around the portion of the image that you want
    to keep. Because you’ve rotated your view of the image, the up-
    right crop boundary will appear at an angle, along with the rest
    of the photograph, as in Figure 2-17.

You can adjust the position of the crop boundary on-the-fly by pressing
and holding the spacebar. But don’t get too hung up on getting things
exactly right. You can easily move and resize the crop boundary after
you draw it, as demonstrated in Step 7.

The moment you release the mouse button, you enter the crop
mode. From now until you press Enter (Return) or Esc, most of
Photoshop’s commands and panels are unavailable. You have
made a commitment to cropping.

Figure 2-16.

Figure 2-17.


In the CS5 version of cropping, when you release
the mouse button after designating the crop, a
grid overlay automatically appears over your
image to help guide your crop. If you’re rotating
an image, it may be useful to have these extra
vertical and horizontal lines. But by default, the
grid is set to a “rule of thirds” display, which is of
marginal use in general and becomes particularly
meaningless and somewhat distracting for
portraits. Hey, creativity and rules just don’t go
together in my book. You can turn off the grid
by going to the Crop Guide Overlay pop-up menu
in the options bar and setting it to None, as I did

48 Lesson 2: Straighten, Crop, and Size
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