Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Click in the wedge. When retouching with a selection tool, you
    always select the thing that you want to get rid of or heal over,
    which in this case is the wedge. Click with the magic wand tool
    in that triangular space, and you’ll see Photoshop select the
    white area, as indicated by a “marching ants” outline.

  2. Expand the selection. The selection needs to be a bit larger
    than the wedge to prevent any telltale seams when you fill it in.
    Choose Select→Modify→Expand, set the Expand By value to 3
    pixels, and click OK. You’ll notice in Figure 2-23 that the selec-
    tion outline moves out slightly into the gold-colored background.

  3. Fill in the wedge with information from the surrounding
    area. We’ll fill in the white wedge using one of the truly use-
    ful new features in Photoshop CS5: content-aware fill. Basically,
    you give the instruction, and Photoshop takes its best guess
    on how to fill the selection based on what it knows about the
    nearby pixels. To see this in action, choose Edit→Fill (or press
    Shift+F5). In the Fill dialog box, leave everything set to the
    default, as shown in Figure 2-24, and click OK.

Figure 2-23.Figure 2-24.

52 Lesson 2: Straighten, Crop, and Size

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