Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

What Did You Learn? 61

What DID YOu leaRn?

A. This tool lets you measure angles and distances in Photoshop, as well
as gives you access to the Straighten button.
B. A means of cutting away the extraneous portions of an image to focus
the viewer’s attention on the subject of the photo.
C. An interpolation setting that results in crisp edge transitions, perfect
when the details in your image are impeccable and you want to preserve
every nuance.
D. The number of pixels that will print in a linear inch or millimeter of
page space.
E. New to CS5, this tool lets you quickly confirm a line that you want to
designate as the new vertical or horizontal basis of your image.
F. To change the physical dimensions of an image by reducing the num-
ber of pixels.
G. A new feature in CS5 that fills in selections automatically based on what
Photoshop understands about surrounding pixels.
H. This tool lets you preview the proper angle for a crooked image before
you crop it.
I. The relationship between the width and the height of an image.
J. Operations such as Image Size and the Rotate Canvas commands that
affect an entire image, including any and all layers.
K. The center of a rotation or another transformation.
L. The boundaries of an image, as measured independently of the contents
of the image itself.

Key Concepts

  1. Cropping

  2. Whole-image transformations

  3. Ruler tool

  4. Straighten button

  5. Canvas

  6. Rotate view

  7. Origin point

  8. Content-aware fill

  9. Print resolution

  10. Downsampling

  11. Bicubic Sharper

  12. Aspect ratio

1B, 2J, 3A, 4E,5L, 6H, 7K, 8, 9D, 10F, 11C, 12I I

Match the key concept in the numbered list below with the letter
of the phrase that best describes it. Answers appear upside-down
at the bottom of the page.

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