THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 11, 2020 |B11
Metal & Petroleum Futures
Contract Open
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
Copper-High(CMX) -25,000 lbs.; $ per lb.
March 2.4985 2.5630 2.4985 2.53400.0100 3,061
May 2.4870 2.5655 2.4820 2.52150.0110 133,481
Gold(CMX) -100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
March 1671.60 1674.60 1643.00 1659.10–15.40 101
April 1679.60 1681.30 1641.10 1660.30–15.40 389,702
June 1683.40 1683.50 1644.50 1663.30–15.30 151,828
Aug 1685.30 1686.10 1652.00 1665.80–15.20 39,701
Dec 1675.00 1679.30 1651.50 1669.00–15.10 35,376
Feb'21 1666.40 1676.30 1658.30 1670.80–14.80 11,931
Palladium(NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
March 2380.00 2380.00 2380.00 2347.50–75.90 23
June 2388.00 2431.30 2306.40 2317.40–88.30 10,818
Sept 2368.50 2415.80 2295.40 2304.30–86.60 1,212
Platinum(NYM) -50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
March ... ... ... 868.50 6.80 2
April 863.40 892.00 862.10 869.40 6.60 51,097
Silver(CMX) -5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
March 16.850 17.145 16.765 16.906–0.095 639
May 17.020 17.200 16.790 16.955–0.099 131,533
Crude Oil, Light Sweet(NYM) -1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl.
April 30.37 35.02 30.20 34.36 3.23 341,974
May 30.75 35.35 30.58 34.73 3.26 320,060
June 31.59 35.75 31.11 35.14 3.20 261,387
July 31.86 36.16 31.68 35.58 3.12 143,253
Sept 33.24 37.14 33.19 36.56 2.90 115,891
Dec 34.67 38.90 34.66 38.08 2.61 238,634
NY Harbor ULSD(NYM) -42,000 gal.; $ per gal.
April 1.1581 1.2771 1.1519 1.2499 .0870 102,515
May 1.1574 1.2744 1.1529 1.2515 .0871 67,501
Gasoline-NY RBOB(NYM) -42,000 gal.; $ per gal.
April 1.1284 1.2348 1.1199 1.1571 .0202 107,944
May 1.1180 1.2311 1.1169 1.1602 .0233 81,728
Natural Gas(NYM) -10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu.
April 1.835 1.955 1.794 1.936 .158 339,774
May 1.876 2.002 1.836 1.985 .166 275,545
June 1.955 2.068 1.913 2.055 .160 85,504
July 2.044 2.155 2.006 2.146 .159 108,076
Sept 2.098 2.202 2.060 2.194 .153 114,065
Oct 2.144 2.245 2.110 2.237 .149 116,086
Futures Contracts Open High hiloContractLow Settle Chg interestOpen Open High hiloContractLow Settle Chg interestOpen Open High hiloContractLow Settle Chg interestOpen
Agriculture Futures
Corn(CBT) -5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
March 379.00 381.50 377.50 380.00 5.75 1,326
May 374.75 379.75 374.00 377.50 4.75 578,558
Oats(CBT) -5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May 267.50 281.75 267.50 275.00 7.50 3,169
July 272.75 281.00 270.75 275.75 5.00 894
Soybeans(CBT) -5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
March 874.25 879.50 871.50 873.00 9.50 289
May 874.50 885.00 874.50 876.25 6.25 325,662
Soybean Meal(CBT) -100 tons; $ per ton.
March 301.00 301.00 297.30 295.90 –.70 321
May 300.80 306.60 300.80 301.90 1.50 190,864
Soybean Oil(CBT) -60,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 27.83 27.53 27.33 27.44 .13 348
May 27.62 28.19 27.41 27.67 .13 182,639
Rough Rice(CBT) -2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt.
March 1281.50 1283.50 1281.50 1284.50 6.50 84
May 1275.50 1300.00 1271.00 1285.00 11.00 9,754
Wheat(CBT) -5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
March 524.25 524.25 519.25 526.75 4.50 125
May 520.00 525.00 514.00 522.25 3.50 189,932
Wheat(KC) -5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May 442.75 448.00 437.75 444.75 3.75 131,709
July 449.75 455.50 445.50 452.00 3.25 69,755
Cattle-Feeder(CME) -50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 128.200 131.300 127.125 127.750 1.550 3,639
April 128.400 131.500 127.275 127.950 2.400 15,113
Cattle-Live(CME) -40,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
April 105.000 105.850 104.800 105.450 2.600 100,897
June 99.400 100.100 99.175 99.525 2.425 112,316
Hogs-Lean(CME) -40,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
April 64.625 66.000 64.500 65.000 2.000 80,326
June 79.550 80.350 78.950 79.300 1.950 72,408
Lumber(CME) -110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft.
March 377.60 378.80 t 370.30 378.80 8.40 82
May 369.10 370.90 t 352.10 364.80 8.10 2,114
Milk(CME) -200,000 lbs., cents per lb.
March 16.32 16.34 16.27 16.33 .03 2,869
April 15.83 15.95 15.81 15.85 .04 2,851
Cocoa(ICE-US) -10 metric tons; $ per ton.
March 2,718 2,718 2,718 2,718 32 5
May 2,543 2,604 2,535 2,577 32 109,810
Coffee(ICE-US) -37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 111.30 114.45 111.30 114.25 5.30 444
May 109.20 116.15 108.55 114.35 5.15 97,125
Sugar-World(ICE-US) -112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 12.82 12.93 12.38 12.59 –.02 399,791
July 12.78 12.91 12.35 12.53 –.05 277,266
Sugar-Domestic(ICE-US) -112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 27.30 27.32 27.30 27.30 –.19 1,972
July 27.42 27.50 27.42 27.40 –.05 2,442
Cotton(ICE-US) -50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
May 62.25 62.91 61.01 61.41 .20 104,733
Dec 62.46 63.68 61.96 62.28 .17 48,219
Orange Juice(ICE-US) -15,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 102.65 102.65 102.65 102.65 2.15 125
May 94.80 96.65 94.15 96.20 2.15 14,109
Interest Rate Futures
Ultra Treasury Bonds(CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 224-300 231-110 216-050 220-020–11-17.0 4,717
June 234-040 235-190 217-160 221-110–13-08.01,146,605
Treasury Bonds(CBT) -$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 181-220 186-290 179-110 180-300–6-00.0 12,090
June 184-020 186-130 177-250 179-190–6-00.01,231,969
Treasury Notes(CBT) -$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 137-250 139-025 137-000 137-175–1-24.0 25,591
June 138-305 139-135 137-020 137-200–1-26.53,797,816
5 Yr. Treasury Notes(CBT) -$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 124-000 124-170 123-072 123-202 –29.0 48,876
June 124-305 125-065 123-272 124-095 –31.04,376,451
2 Yr. Treasury Notes(CBT) -$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 109-261 109-300 109-181 109-232 –6.3 60,144
June 110-024 110-071 109-252 119-297 –9.03,280,436
30 Day Federal Funds(CBT) -$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
March 99.2500 99.2700 99.1325 99.1675–.0825 274,438
April 99.7300 99.7400 99.5500 99.5900–.1050 385,805
10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps(CBT) -$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 112-315 113-250 111-130 111-290–1-29.0 107,988
June 105-075 106-000 103-305 104-185–1-28.5 1,686
Eurodollar(CME) -$1,000,000; pts of 100%
March 99.2675 99.2850 99.2000 99.2125–.03501,484,100
June 99.5750 99.5900s 99.4950 99.5250–.03001,647,704
Sept 99.6000 99.6300s 99.5200 99.5550–.03501,503,537
Dec 99.5800 99.6100 99.4900 99.5250–.04501,213,994
Currency Futures
Japanese Yen(CME) -¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
March .9783 .9807 .9445 .9519–.0278 142,626
June .9820 .9839 .9476 .9550–.0283 29,412
Canadian Dollar(CME) -CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
March .7299 .7348 t .7248 .7278–.0060 136,967
June .7297 .7346 t .7247 .7276–.0060 30,582
British Pound(CME) -£62,500; $ per £
March 1.3117 1.3118 1.2884 1.2916–.0198 154,168
June 1.3101 1.3128 1.2893 1.2924–.0201 48,257
Swiss Franc(CME) -CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
March 1.0811 1.0814 1.0630 1.0661–.0168 41,156
June 1.0861 1.0863 1.0677 1.0707–.0172 7,045
Australian Dollar(CME) -AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
March .6589 .6614 .6463 .6490–.0111 187,856
June .6587 .6607 .6460 .6488–.0107 22,522
Mexican Peso(CME) -MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
March .04783 .04916 .04732 .04796.00087 177,046
June .04709 .04844 .04664 .04726.00086 49,630
Euro(CME) -€125,000; $ per €
March 1.1453 1.1463 1.1279 1.1300–.0166 554,652
June 1.1493 1.1504 1.1319 1.1340–.0170 128,891
Index Futures
Mini DJ Industrial Average(CBT) -$5 x index
March 23727 25020 t 23424 24849 972 82,379
June 23500 24877 t 23290 24724 985 5,295
S&P 500 Index(CME) -$250 x index
March 2717.40 2883.00 t2695.50 2865.80118.10 91,480
June 2870.00 2870.00 2870.00 2854.30119.10 180
Mini S&P 500(CME) -$50 x index
March 2733.00 2884.75 t2695.25 2865.80118.103,172,786
June 2721.25 2873.00 t2683.25 2854.30119.10 263,323
Mini S&P Midcap 400(CME) -$100 x index
March 1621.80 1709.90 t1604.60 1691.90 63.60 75,602
June 1617.80 1699.20 t1599.20 1682.90 62.40 252
Mini Nasdaq 100(CME) -$20 x index
March 7893.75 8378.75 t7814.25 8331.50380.00 206,542
June 7871.00 8366.50 t7805.00 8320.25381.75 16,872
Mini Russell 2000(CME) -$50 x index
March 1303.00 1373.80 t1283.70 1339.90 25.90 493,237
June 1289.50 1369.00 t1279.70 1335.40 26.10 8,863
Mini Russell 1000(CME) -$50 x index
March 1564.30 1587.80 1506.70 1585.70 67.50 8,777
U.S. Dollar Index(ICE-US) -$1,000 x index
March 95.38 96.58 95.18 96.39 1.52 35,587
June 95.23 96.47 95.06 96.28 1.54 8,914
Source: FactSet
Cash Prices Tuesday, March 10, 2020
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 59.150
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 11.650
Gold, per troy oz
Engelhard industrial 1664.00
Engelhard fabricated n.a.
Handy & Harman base 1655.70
Handy & Harman fabricated 1837.83
LBMA Gold Price AM *1676.60*
LBMA Gold Price PM 1672.50
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 1726.19
Maple Leaf-e 1742.79
American Eagle-e 1742.79
Mexican peso-e 2009.22
Austria crown-e 1629.94
Austria phil-e 1742.79
Silver, troy oz.
Engelhard industrial 17.1000
Engelhard fabricated n.a.
Handy & Harman base 16.8610
Handy & Harman fabricated 21.0760
LBMA spot price £12.8900
(U.S.$ equivalent) 16.8850
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 12385
Other metals**
LBMA Platinum Price PM *870.0
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 888.0
Platinum,Engelhard fabricated n.a.
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2510.0
Palladium,Engelhard fabricated n.a.
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *1643.5
Copper,Comex spot 2.5340
Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 91.4
Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m 281
Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 587
Fibers and Textiles
Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.5650
Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.5766
Cotlook 'A' Index-t *72.15
Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a.
Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a.
Grains and Feeds
Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a.
Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 87
Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 3.7550
Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 108.5
Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 465.3
Cottonseed meal-u,w 250
Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 98
Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 210
Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 3.4100
Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 25.88
Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u 7.5263
SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u 303.40
Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 8.6350
Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 6.5625
Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-bp,u 5.5700
Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 4.4975
Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.0000
Beef,carcass equiv. index
choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 182.86
select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 175.28
Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 0.7658
Butter,AA Chicago 1.8175
Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 141.00
Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 176.00
Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 108.00
Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.0890
Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.5336
Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 0.9350
Flour,hard winter KC 14.10
Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a.
Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 62.63
Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u 0.8495
Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.9912
Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 159.06
Fats and Oils
Corn oil,crude wet/dry mill wtd. avg.-u,w 36.0000
Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.2800
Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u 0.2787
Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.3550
Tallow,edible,Chicago-u 0.3550
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brooks; G=ICE; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly, Z=not quoted. *Data as of 3/9
Source: WSJ Market Data Group
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2-101234Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
1.125 U.S. (^2) 0.487s l 0.397 1.403 2.467
1.500 10 0.758s l 0.569 1.574 2.635
2.000 Australia 2 0.500s l 0.426 0.745 1.661 1.4 2.9 -80.6
2.500 10 0.796s l 0.617 1.018 2.042 3.8 4.8 -59.3
0.000 France 2 -0.759s l -0.770 -0.598 -0.463 -124.6 -116.6 -293.0
0.000 10 -0.319s l -0.387 -0.164 0.412 -107.7 -95.5 -222.3
0.000 Germany 2 -0.960s l -1.002 -0.640 -0.542 -144.6 -139.9 -300.9
0.000^10 -0.793s l -0.858 -0.409 0.071 -155.1 -142.6 -256.4
1.200 Italy 2 0.386t l 0.413 -0.210 0.350 -10.1 1.6 -211.7
1.350 10 1.372t l 1.404 0.950 2.498 61.4 83.6 -13.6
0.100 Japan 2 -0.231s l -0.299 -0.156 -0.143 -71.7 -69.6 -261.0
0.100 10 -0.041s l -0.143 -0.056 -0.032 -79.9 -71.2 -266.7
0.050 Spain 2 -0.353s l -0.400 -0.421 -0.244 -84.0 -79.6 -271.1
0.500 10 0.330s l 0.267 0.264 1.053 -42.8 -30.2 -158.2
0.500 U.K. 2 0.147s l 0.086 0.492 0.747 -34.0 -31.1 -172.0
4.750 10 0.239s l 0.159 0.582 1.190 -51.9 -40.9 -144.5
Source: Tullett Prebon
Corporate Debt
Price moves by a company's debt in the credit markets sometimes mirror and sometimes anticipate, moves in
that same company’s share price.
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most...
Spread*, in basis points Stock Performance
Issuer SymbolCoupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Marathon Petroleum MPC 3.625 Sept. 15, ’24 410 –385 117 34.52 2.07
Patterson–UTI Energy PTEN 3.950 Feb. 1, ’28 792 –300 322 2.30 –3.36
Occidental* OXY 2.700 Aug. 15, ’22 773 –249 115 14.34 14.63
Marathon Oil MRO 3.850 June 1, ’25 549 –245 166 4.40 21.21
Williams WMB 3.750 June 15, ’27 232 –149 167 16.29 8.67
Energy Transfer Operating ETP 7.125 May 15, ’49 903 –143 591 ... ...
Apache APA 4.250 Jan. 15, ’44 624 –108 343 10.79 12.98
MPLX LP MPLX 5.500 Feb. 15, ’49 508 –86 313 16.88 12.01
...And spreads that widened the most
Energy Transfer Operating ETP 6.750 Jan. 22, ’49 1116 198 634 ... ...
Apache APA 5.100 Sept. 1, ’40 666 137 339 10.79 12.98
General Electric GE 2.700 Oct. 9, ’22 211 75 95 8.85 7.80
General Motors Financial GM 4.250 May 15, ’23 270 61 145 ... ...
TransCanada Pipelines TRPCN 4.875 Jan. 15, ’26 241 61 131 ... ...
Shell International Finance RDSALN 4.375 May 11, ’45 210 50 127 ... ...
Chubb INA Holdings CB 2.875 Nov. 3, ’22 102 40 n.a. ... ...
Citigroup C 2.700 Oct. 27, ’22 121 39 n.a. 55.58 8.20
High-yield issues with the biggest price increases...
Bond Price as % of face value Stock Performance
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Comstock Resources CRK 7.500 May 15, ’25 64.000 22.53 75.000 5.40 14.89
Gulfport Energy GPOR 6.000 Oct. 15, ’24 27.000 17.03 38.250 0.51 0.37
Antero Resources AR 5.625 June 1, ’23 41.000 12.00 59.530 1.18 7.27
Parsley Energy PARSLY 5.375 Jan. 15, ’25 84.000 11.00 102.470 ... ...
CNX Resources CNX 7.250 March 14, ’27 62.750 10.75 75.250 5.73 3.62
EQT Corp EQT 3.900 Oct. 1, ’27 63.700 10.70 67.450 7.06 ...
American Airlines AAL 3.750 March 1, ’25 88.500 10.10 93.619 17.00 15.25
Kaiser Aluminum KALU 4.625 March 1, ’28 102.400 8.48 101.829 87.64 8.92
...And with the biggest price decreases
Baytex Energy BTECN 5.625 June 1, ’24 50.000 –12.00 n.a. ... ...
NGL Energy Partners NGL 7.500 April 15, ’26 41.000 –9.00 83.970 3.75 10.29
USA Compression Partners USAC 6.875 Sept. 1, ’27 80.000 –9.00 99.500 9.66 0.21
Oceaneering International OII 6.000 Feb. 1, ’28 55.000 –6.00 94.530 4.57 –4.99
Precision Drilling PDCN 7.125 Jan. 15, ’26 65.000 –6.00 94.500 ... ...
Centennial Resource ProductionCENREP 6.875 April 1, ’27 54.000 –5.75 90.950 ... ...
Golden Nugget NUGGET* 6.750 Oct. 15, ’24 93.970 –5.03 99.875 ... ...
Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
Sources: MarketAxess Corporate BondTicker; Dow Jones Market Data
Broad Market Bloomberg Barclays
2225.53 4.5 U.S. Aggregate 1.4801.3203.140
U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Barclays
3222.72 2.5 U.S. Corporate 2.5902.2203.850
2933.24 1.4 Intermediate 2.1801.7603.460
4758.73 4.6 Long term 3.3002.9504.650
667.13 4.1 Double-A-rated 1.9601.6703.200
841.64 1.1 Triple-B-rated 3.0202.5704.200
High Yield Bonds ICE BofA
442.62 -5.2 High Yield Constrained7.1995.1517.354
394.54 -9.9 Triple-C-rated 13.67310.55813.898
3005.29 -5.9 High Yield 100 6.4774.5166.758
402.17 -4.6 Global High Yield Constrained6.7824.8936.851
310.41 -5.5 Europe High Yield Constrained4.4982.4644.508
U.S Agency Bloomberg Barclays
1848.64 4.5 U.S Agency 0.8900.7302.680
1604.45 2.7 10-20 years 0.7800.6402.570
4321.28 13.2 20-plus years 1.4501.1703.210
2790.51 2.2 Yankee 2.2001.9203.520
Bonds |
Tracking Bond Benchmarks*
Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
highs and lows for different types of bonds
return YTD total Yield (%)
close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Barclays; J.P.Morgan
return YTD total Yield (%)
close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Barclays
2189.78 2.0 Mortgage-Backed 1.4501.4503.280
2134.21 1.7 Ginnie Mae(GNMA)1.3401.3403.230
1293.22 2.2 Fannie mae(FNMA)1.5001.5003.300
1986.21 2.1 Freddie Mac(FHLMC)1.4801.4803.300
582.46 2.9 Muni Master 1.0750.9592.322
411.76 3.2 7-12 year 1.0440.9242.251
469.71 3.7 12-22 year 1.3511.2242.766
457.36 3.8 22-plus year 1.9171.7653.250
Global Government J.P. Morgan†
613.62 5.3 Global Government 0.5200.3901.480
868.31 8.0 Canada 0.7000.5901.910
n.a. n.a. EMU§ n.a.n.a.n.a.
792.25 4.4 France -0.110-0.1600.690
565.48 5.5 Germany -0.720-0.7400.210
300.33 0.7 Japan 0.120-0.0700.280
625.37 4.9 Netherlands -0.510-0.5400.330
1111.67 10.6 U.K. 0.4200.3901.540
865.04 -1.9 Emerging Markets 5.1454.5236.388
BANKRATE.COM® MMA, Savings and CDs
Average Yields of Major Banks Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Type MMA 1-MO 2-MO 3-MO 6-MO 1-YR 2-YR 2.5YR 5YR
National average
Savings 0.22 0.11 0.09 0.25 0.34 0.56 0.64 0.57 0.89
Jumbos 0.45 0.11 0.09 0.26 0.40 0.61 0.69 0.59 0.93
Weekly change
Savings -0.02 -0.03 -0.01 -0.03 -0.03 -0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.11
Jumbos -0.03 -0.03 0.00 -0.04 -0.02 -0.05 -0.04 -0.05 -0.12
Consumer Savings Rates
Explanation of ratings: (855) 733-0700, evaluates the financial condition of feder-
ally insured institutions and assigns a rank of 1,2,3,4or5 based on data from federal regulators. 5:
most desirable performance; NR: institution is too new to rate, not an indication of financial
strength or weakness. Information is believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.
High yield savings
Bank/ rank Yield Bank/ rank Yield
Phone number Minimum (%) Phone number Minimum (%)
Money market and savings account Six-month CD
TAB Bank / 5 $0 1.90 Live Oak Bank / 5 $2,500 1.75
(800) 355-3063 (866) 656-0286
UFB Direct / 5 $0 1.80 First Internet Bank of Indiana / 4 $1,000 1.56
(844) 678-2718 (888) 873-3424
DollarSavingsDirect / 5 $1 1.80 M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / 3 $1,000 1.50
(866) 395-8693 (212) 652-7200
One-month CD One-year CD
M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / (^3) $1,000 0.30 Goldman Sachs Bank USA / (^5) $500 2.05
(212) 652-7200 (855) 730-7283
Presidential Bank, FSB / (^3) $1,000 0.25 Live Oak Bank / (^5) $2,500 2.05
(800) 383-6266 (866) 656-0286
Colorado Federal Savings Bank / 4 $5,000 0.04 Sallie Mae / 5 $2,500 1.90
(877) 484-2372 (877) 346-2756
Two-month CD Two-year CD
Presidential Bank, FSB / 3 $1,000 0.25 Goldman Sachs Bank USA / 5 $500 2.10
(800) 383-6266 (855) 730-7283
Applied Bank / 5 $1,000 0.05 American Express National Bank / 5 $0 2.00
(800) 616-4605 (866) 805-8663
Colorado Federal Savings Bank / (^4) $5,000 0.05 Sallie Mae / (^5) $2,500 2.00
(877) 484-2372 (877) 346-2756
Three-month CD Five-year CD
First Internet Bank of Indiana / 4 $1,000 1.36 Connexus Credit Union / 5 $5,000 2.16
(888) 873-3424 (800) 845-5025
M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / 3 $1,000 1.26 American Express National Bank / 5 $0 2.15
(212) 652-7200 (866) 805-8663
Goldwater Bank / 3 $5,000 0.90 Goldman Sachs Bank USA / 5 $500 2.15
(480) 281-8200 (855) 730-7283
High yield jumbos - Minimum is $100,000
Money market and savings account Six-month CD
M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / 3 1.75 Live Oak Bank / 5 1.75
(212) 652-7200 (866) 656-0286
ableBanking, a division of Northeast Bank / 5 1.70 First Internet Bank of Indiana / 4 1.56
(877) 505-1933 (888) 873-3424
Sallie Mae / 5 1.70 Home Savings Bank / 5 1.50
(877) 346-2756 (801) 487-0811
One-month CD One-year CD
M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / 3 0.30 Live Oak Bank / 5 2.05
(212) 652-7200 (866) 656-0286
USAA /NR 0.15 M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / 3 1.87
(800) 583-8295 (212) 652-7200
Colorado Federal Savings Bank / 4 0.04 Barclays / 5 1.85
(877) 484-2372 (888) 710-8756
Two-month CD Two-year CD
Applied Bank / 5 0.05 American Express National Bank / 5 2.00
(800) 616-4605 (866) 805-8663
Colorado Federal Savings Bank / (^4) 0.05 BankDirect / (^4) 1.95
(877) 484-2372 (877) 839-2737
Citizens Trust Bank / 4 0.01 M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / 3 1.95
(404) 659-5959 (212) 652-7200
Three-month CD Five-year CD
First Internet Bank of Indiana / 4 1.36 American Express National Bank / 5 2.15
(888) 873-3424 (866) 805-8663
M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / 3 1.26 M.Y. Safra Bank, FSB / 3 2.05
(212) 652-7200 (212) 652-7200
BankDirect / 4 0.75 First Internet Bank of Indiana / 4 2.02
(877) 839-2737 (888) 873-3424
Notes: Accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 per person. Yields are based on method of
compounding and rate stated for the lowest required opening deposit to earn interest. CD
figures are for fixed rates only. MMA: Allows six (6) third-party transfers per month, three (3) of
which may be checks. Rates are subject to change.
Source:, a publication of Bankrate, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 113.37 5.53 –9.6
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 60.55 2.87 –3.9
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 24.15 5.87 –21.5
FT ValDivFd FVD 31.86 3.41 –11.6
HealthCareSelSect XLV 95.26 3.43 –6.5
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 69.18 5.18 –15.1
InvscQQQI QQQ 204.11 5.45 –4.0
InvscS&P500EW RSP 98.43 4.81 –14.9
InvscS&P500LowVol SPLV 54.95 3.29 –5.8
iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI 131.83 –0.54 4.8
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 36.70 4.59 –12.8
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 55.33 3.83 –15.2
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 47.07 5.14 –12.4
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 52.94 3.80 –14.5
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 289.55 5.37 –10.4
iShCoreS&P MC IJH 169.84 4.10 –17.5
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 66.28 2.97 –21.0
iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 64.37 4.60 –11.4
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 116.38 –1.13 3.6
iShSelectDividend DVY 87.58 3.71 –17.1
iShEdgeMSCIMinEAFE EFAV 67.50 2.15 –9.4
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 62.24 3.22 –5.1
iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM 121.10 4.31 –3.6
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 90.29 5.17 –10.6
iShFloatingRateBd FLOT 50.12 1.23 –1.6
iShGoldTr IAU 15.68 –2.24 8.1
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 128.06 –2.25 0.1
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 82.64 1.54 –6.0
iShIntermCorpBd IGIB 58.25 –1.42 0.5
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 107.19 1.16 –6.4
iShMBSETF MBB 109.55 –0.45 1.4
iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 69.86 4.60 –11.8
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 59.06 3.69 –14.9
iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 51.58 3.45 –17.2
iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 39.29 5.08 –12.4
iShMSCIJapan EWJ 51.41 2.98 –13.2
iShNatlMuniBd MUB 116.34 –1.08 2.1
iShPfd&Incm PFF 35.38 1.09 –5.9
iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 165.84 5.49 –5.7
iShRussell1000 IWB 159.51 4.97 –10.6
iShRussell1000Val IWD 114.80 4.49 –15.9
iShRussell2000 IWM 134.43 3.12 –18.9
iShRussell3000 IWV 167.44 5.10 –11.2
iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 51.10 4.46 –14.3
iShRussellMCValue IWS 78.15 4.46 –17.5
iShS&P500Growth IVW 181.22 5.71 –6.4
iShS&P500Value IVE 110.68 4.61 –14.9
iShShortCpBd IGSB 53.72 –0.65 0.2
iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.88 –0.05 0.4
iShTIPSBondETF TIP 116.58 –2.87 0.0
iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 86.29 –0.44 2.0
iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 119.25 –1.84 8.2
iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 162.51 –5.13 20.0
iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 138.27 4.75 –9.4
iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 27.76 –1.80 7.0
JPM UltShtIncm JPST 50.54 0.04 0.2
PIMCOEnhShMaturity MINT 101.62 0.15 0.0
SPDRBloomBar1-3MTB BIL 91.57 –0.02 0.2
SPDR Gold GLD 154.48 –2.11 8.1
SchwabIntEquity SCHF 28.58 3.40 –15.0
SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 68.30 4.83 –11.2
SchwabUS Div SCHD 50.69 4.60 –12.5
SchwabUS LC SCHX 68.84 5.05 –10.4
SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 87.86 5.58 –5.4
Schwab US TIPs SCHP 56.80 –2.51 0.3
SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 250.47 4.92 –12.1
SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 309.33 4.04 –17.6
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 288.42 5.17 –10.4
SPDR S&P Div SDY 92.72 4.07 –13.8
TechSelectSector XLK 87.64 6.67 –4.4
UtilitiesSelSector XLU 64.05 0.93 –0.9
VanEckGoldMiner GDX 27.49 0.66 –6.1
VangdInfoTech VGT 230.52 6.32 –5.9
VangdSC Val VBR 108.74 3.76 –20.7
VangdSC Grwth VBK 170.97 3.77 –14.0
VangdDivApp VIG 114.71 4.31 –8.0
VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 37.27 3.73 –15.4
VangdFTSE EM VWO 38.99 5.04 –12.3
VangdFTSE Europe VGK 49.15 3.54 –16.1
VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 45.99 4.10 –14.4
VangdGrowth VUG 172.58 5.59 –5.3
VangdHlthCr VHT 178.25 3.41 –7.0
VangdHiDiv VYM 79.52 4.06 –15.1
VangdIntermBd BIV 90.79 –1.22 4.1
VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 91.82 –1.33 0.5
VangdLC VV 132.85 4.97 –10.1
VangdMC VO 153.27 4.63 –14.0
VangdMC Val VOE 97.63 4.46 –18.1
VangdMBS VMBS 53.92 –0.42 1.4
VangdRealEst VNQ 86.54 4.22 –6.7
VangdS&P500ETF VOO 263.81 5.13 –10.8
VangdST Bond BSV 82.08 –0.51 1.8
VangdSTCpBd VCSH 81.10 –0.59 0.1
VangdSC VB 136.33 3.87 –17.7
VangdTotalBd BND 86.59 –1.34 3.3
VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 57.82 –0.82 2.2
VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 47.50 3.87 –14.7
VangdTotalStk VTI 145.37 4.96 –11.2
VangdTotlWrld VT 70.77 4.53 –12.6
VangdValue VTV 101.97 4.36 –14.9
Closing Chg YTD
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
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