Eye on Korea_ An Insider Account of Korean-American Relations

(Dana P.) #1

James Young as second lieutenant in South Korea,  
Young in South Vietnam,  
American and South Vietnamese officers,  
Young’s official embassy photograph,  
U.S. presidential motorcade, Seoul,  
Presidents Jimmy Carter and Park Chung Hee 
South Korean soldier at the Demilitarized Zone,  
General John Wickham and Ambassador William Gleysteen 
Colonel Ahiro Hagino, Japanese military attaché in Seoul, – 
ROK soldiers and tank on campus,  
Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Armitage,  
Ambassador Richard L. “Dixie” Walker,  
Major General Kim Jin Young,  
Kim Jin Young and James Young at military attaché’s residence,
Yongsan 
At a formal function in Seoul 
Ambassador James Lilley and South Korean National Assembly
members,  
Aboard USS Kitty Hawk with Ambassador James Lilley,  
Third North Korean Tunnel 
With ROK Minister of Defense Lee Sang Hoon in the United
States,  
Dining with Lt. Gen. Yong Young Il,  
Colonel Young’s retirement and award ceremony,  
North Korean Hall of Deputies,  
Enjoying retirement in Virginia,  


Map . Korea 
Map . Central Seoul, December ,  

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