Eye on Korea_ An Insider Account of Korean-American Relations

(Dana P.) #1

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Korean-American relationship and the linkage of that process to events of
the last two generations merits reflection and comment by one who was in-
volved over the long haul.
With the assistance of William Stueck, a historian at the University of
Georgia, I have adapted my story into this English-language edition. The
adaptation has involved some additions to and subtractions from the origi-
nal as well as some reordering of materials and some updating of analysis
to take into account events of the last several years. Professor Stueck also
has added an editor’s introduction and citations to place my narrative in
the context of what others have written and the archival documentation
now available. Yet the basic story remains the same. Because this is a re-
cent history, many of the participants are still living. Some have been con-
tacted and interviewed for this book, but most have not. It is based primarily
on my own memory—I did not keep a diary or take more than rudimen-
tary notes, for it was previously never my intention to write of my experi-
ences. Also, unless the individuals have given specific permission or are so
well known as to be “public” people, I have not used their names in order to
protect their identity. This is particularly appropriate when discussing the
activities of certain Koreans who were cooperating and providing informa-
tion on the activities of the Korean military during the period between the
assassination of President Park and the rise to power of Chun Doo Hwan.
Often these brave and patriotic individuals were cooperating at risk to their
careers and personal safety, and their efforts to help Americans understand
the true situation as it developed were invaluable. Few are still on active duty
in the Korean military; most are engaged in business activities or living quiet
lives in retirement. Regardless of their present circumstances, they are de-
serving of privacy.
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