New Zealand Listener 03.14.2020

(lily) #1



ymptoms of the coronavirus dis-
ease are similar to those of the flu:
fever, chills, aches, dry coughing,
sore throat, runny nose, tired-
ness, stomach upset, diarrhoea
and a shortness or difficulty in breathing,
according to the Ministry of Health.
They tend to start off mild and build
gradually. The World Health Organisa-
tion (WHO) says Covid-19 symptoms
often appear after two to 10 days, but this
can vary greatly, and it warns that some
infected people don’t develop symptoms
and don’t feel unwell.
Most people with the disease have been
adults; only 2.1% of infected patients in
China are below the age of 20. The WHO
says the illness tends to be more severe in
people 60 years and older and those with
underlying medical problems, such as
high blood pressure, heart problems and
Eighty per cent of sufferers experience
only a mild illness, 14% severe disease and
5% become critically ill, the organisation
says. One in six people who get Covid-
become seriously ill and develop breath-
ing difficulties. Two per cent of people
with the disease have died, and the mor-
tality rate for those with critical illness has
been reported as more than 50%. About
80% of sufferers recover from the disease

without needing specific treatment; stand-
ard influenza medications can help.
The risk of catching Covid-19 is low
to moderate, but the Ministry of Health
is asking people to take preventative
measures. The virus is transmitted person-
to-person and is spread by droplets from
sneezing, coughing and talking and when
a person who has touched an infected
surface touches their mouth, nose or eyes.
Robust hygiene is important in stopping
the transmission of infection, such as fre-
quently washing the hands for at least 20
seconds, lathering soap between and on
top of the hands and wrists, and paying
close attention to between the fingers and
under fingernails. It’s important to use a
clean towel to dry the hands completely,
as wet hands transfer viruses easily. Wash
hands before and after food preparation
and eating and after treating a sick person,
wiping a child’s nose, using the toilet,
touching an animal, handling rubbish,
sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose.
Hand sanitiser is an acceptable substitute
for washing hands when soap and water
are unavailable. Make sure it contains at
least 60% alcohol, and rub as if you were
washing your hands for at least 20 seconds.
The Harvard Medical School has four
tips for good hand hygiene:
■ Don’t scrub: scrubbing can damage your

Staying alive

What you need to know about the

coronavirus disease. by LAUREN BUCKERIDGE


skin and create cracks and small cuts
that give viruses and bacteria a place to
■ Keep your fingernails short: bacteria like
the areas under your fingernails and
long nails make it difficult to keep those
areas clean.
■ Use hand lotion if your hands are prone
to skin cracks: this is especially impor-
tant during winter.
■ Don’t hurry: it is important not just to
wash but to properly dry your hands.


void close contact with people suffer-
ing from a cold or flu and with those
potentially infected, keeping a dis-
tance of at least a metre for no longer than
15 minutes. When sneezing, do so into
a tissue clasped firmly around your nose
and mouth or bury your nose and mouth
into the crook of your elbow and sneeze,
keeping your arm close to your chest. Do
not sneeze openly or into your hand, even
when alone. Do not spit in public, even
if you are well. Avoid handshakes when
greeting others. And regularly clean your
phone, computer keyboard, doorknobs
and car steering wheel.
If travelling internationally, especially
to a country with coronavirus-infected
people, notify your workplace human
resources department. You may be
required to self-isolate for 14 days.
Your employer is required to minimise
the spread of infectious diseases in the
workplace and protect workers where
reasonably practicable. You have the right
to refuse to go to work if your belief you
will catch the virus is reasonable and not
remote, but your employer can legally
decline to pay you if you are still able to
work and if you can work from home.
If you believe you are infected or are
suffering from Covid-19 symptoms, stay
at home and call the specialist Healthline
number – 0800 358 5453 – to register
yourself as quarantined. It’s free and avail-
able 24 hours, seven days a week. You will
receive professional health information
and advice on what to do from a member
of the National Telehealth Service.
If you are unwell, the Ministry of
Health’s advice is to minimise your use
of public transport, taxis and ride-sharing
vehicles. If you have to use a plane, train
or bus, sit in the window seat and take the
row for yourself. Wear a mask if you are
frequently coughing or sneezing to stop
the spreading of droplets, but be aware
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