Awarded for Valour_ A History of the Victoria Cross and the Evolution of the British Concept of Heroism

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  1. PRO file ADM 1/8528/176. Letter from ‘O.A.R.M’ (Oswyn Murray) to Sir Reginald
    Brade, 10 June 1918.

  2. It is more likely that ‘J.P’ was Jonathan Peel, who was appointed Undersecretary of State
    for War under Lord Panmure in 1855 as part of the Palmerston ministry.

  3. PRO file ADM 1/8528/176. Memorandum by Assistant Military Secretary Malcolm
    Graham ‘Notes on the V.C. Warrant,’ 15 June 1918; Letter from Reginald Brade to
    Oswyn Murray, 2 July 1918.

  4. PRO file ADM 1/8528/176. Untitled internal Admiralty Memorandum outlining the
    need for warrant revision, 5 July 1918; Letter from Oswyn Murray to Reginald Brade,
    8 July 1918; Reply from Reginald Brade to Oswyn Murray, 9 July 1918; Admiralty
    Board Minute Sheet to officially request the Army approach the King concerning warrant
    revision, 11 July 1918; Draft of Admiralty letter requesting Army approach the King
    regarding warrant revision, 20 July 1918; Letter from Bertram Blakiston Cubitt to
    Admiralty, 30 July 1918. PRO file WO/32/3443. Letter from Malcolm Graham to
    Lieutenant-Colonel the Right Honorable Sir F. E. G. Ponsonby, 1 August 1918.

  5. PRO file WO/32/3443. Letter from Sir Frederick Ponsonby to Malcolm Graham, 3
    August 1918.

  6. PRO File ZJ1 656. Supplement to the London Gazette, 4 March 1918, 2729.

  7. Sanger,Letters From Two World Wars, 83. Letter from Miss K. E. Luard, RRC to? 31 July

  8. Wilson,Myriad Faces of War, 711–12.

  9. Sanger,Letters From Two World Wars, 94. Letter from Marguerite McArthur, with the YMCA
    in France, to ?, 26 May 1918.

  10. Barbara McLaren,Women in the War(New York: George H. Doran, 1918), 157. Most
    of the book is devoted to upper-class women named in the text. Only six pages at the
    end of the book, in a chapter titled ‘Some Army Nurses,’ really deal with the common
    auxiliaries. Not a single one was identified by name.

  11. Wilson,Myriad Faces of War, 389–93, 508–9.

  12. PRO file WO/32/3443. Letters from Francis Davies, War Department, to: Major General
    Sir Godfrey Payne, Master-General of Personnel, Air Ministry, Hotel Cecil, The Strand;
    Major General H. G. Ruggles-Brise, Military Secretary, General Headquarters, British
    Armies in France; Sir George Fiddes, Colonial Office, Downing Street; Rear Admiral A.
    F. Everett, Naval Secretary, Admiralty, 6 August 1918.

  13. PRO file WO/32/3443. Letter from Francis Davies to Frederick Ponsonby, 6 August

  14. Ibid. Letter, Cox to Davies, 7 August 1918; Letter, Air Ministry to Davies, 10 August

  15. PRO file ADM 1/8528/176. Letter from A. F. Everett to Francis Davies, 7 August 1918.

  16. PRO file ADM 1/8528/176. Admiralty Memorandum ‘Eligibility of Women for the
    Victoria Cross,’ 8 August 1918.

  17. PRO file ADM 1/8528/176. Letter from A.F. Everett to Francis Davies, 12 August 1918.

  18. The Davies circular is not included in the correspondence held in WO/32/3443. Its
    content is inferred from the replies to the letter.

  19. PRO file WO/32/3443. PRO file ADM 1/8528/176. Circular Letter from Robert U.
    Morgan, War Office to the Admiralty, the Air Ministry, the Colonial Office, the India

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