2020-03-01 The Simple Things

(sharon) #1

Nature’s table


March sees the new season finally springing into life as the first f lowers push their way through
the earth, migrating birds return to our shores and spring celebrations abound


Spring is tentatively emerging, and with it there is a
soft fuzz of green on the trees and a hint of warmth in
the sunshine. The vernal equinox comes this month

  • the tipping point when day and night are the same
    length – and after that the tug of war between dark
    and light will be won by light, as the days start to
    lengthen. Finally, winter really does end. Outdoors,
    the plants and animals know this moment is coming
    and are starting to peep their heads above the soil:

f luffy pussy willow catkins unfurl, primroses the
colour of baby chicks bloom and daffodils wave
cheerily, all against cold, dark earth.
Mothering Sunday is coming up, too. Traditionally
a day to visit your ‘mother church’, the church where
you were baptised, and servants would be given the
day off to do so. As this offered a rare chance for
people to return to their parish, it became a day for
family gatherings and slowly morphed into a day to
visit and treat your mother. Lent was relaxed for the
day and people would celebrate with baked goods
such as Simnel cake*, mothering buns or fig pie, or
with wild spring f lowers gathered along the way.


*See our recipe for Simnel cake on page 23


Nature’s table


March sees the new season finally springing into life as the first f lowers push their way through



Spring is tentatively emerging, and with it there is a
soft fuzz of green on the trees and a hint of warmth in
the sunshine. The vernal equinox comes this month

  • the tipping point when day and night are the same
    length – and after that the tug of war between dark
    and light will be won by light, as the days start to
    lengthen. Finally, winter really does end. Outdoors,
    the plants and animals know this moment is coming
    and are starting to peep their heads above the soil:

f luffy pussy willow catkins unfurl, primroses the
colour of baby chicks bloom and daffodils wave
cheerily, all against cold, dark earth.
Mothering Sunday is coming up, too. Traditionally
a day to visit your ‘mother church’, the church where
you were baptised, and servants would be given the
day off to do so. As this offered a rare chance for
people to return to their parish, it became a day for
family gatherings and slowly morphed into a day to
visit and treat your mother. Lent was relaxed for the
day and people would celebrate with baked goods
such as Simnel cake*, mothering buns or fig pie, or
with wild spring f lowers gathered along the way.


*See our recipe for Simnel cake on page 23

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