
(Frankie) #1
Following a routine physical, Pastor Billy Richards of Grace Fellowship Ministries in Brooklyn was referred
to a urologist for further testing where he learned the news that shocked him. He had prostate cancer.
After much prayer and discussion with his family, Pastor Richards decided to hold off on treatment
because he did not like the options he was given, especially surgery.

Then, he heard about CyberKnife®at NYU Winthrop Hospital. CyberKnife radiation therapy is as
eff ective as surgery, but with no pain, no recovery period and less risk of side eff ects compared to other
treatments. After fi ve brief sessions, the treatment was a complete success. Today, Pastor Richards is
convinced he has a second calling. “I’m a witness that CyberKnife works,” he says.

NYU Winthrop CyberKnife is the #1 CyberKnife center for prostate cancer in the nation. For more
information about CyberKnife, call 1-866-WINTHROP or visit nyuwinthrop.org. To hear Pastor Billy’s
story, go to nyuwinthrop.org/pastorbilly.

“When I was diagnosed with prostate

cancer, NYU Winthrop’s CyberKnife



the answer to my prayers.”

Apostle Billy Richards
Grace Fellowship Ministries
Brooklyn, NY
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