Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar
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Committee, calls for prompt and resolute
actions to contain its spread.
January 30: The World Health Organization
(WHO) announces that the 2019-nCoV
outbreak has become a public health emer-
gency of international concern. However,
it advises against any trade and travel
restrictions on China and praises China’s
prevention and containment measures.
January 26: The seven-day Spring Festival
holiday, scheduled to end on January 30,
is extended until February 2 to control the
January 25: Xi chairs a meeting of the
Standing Committee of the Political
Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on
the prevention and control of the out-
break of the 2019-nCoV. A CPC Central
Committee leading group is set up to
oversee the work. The meeting also stud-
ies and makes new arrangements for the
treatment of patients.
January 23: Wuhan announces it will sus-
pend public transportation and close the
airport and railway stations to outgoing pas-
sengers, asking residents not to leave the
city without compelling reasons.
January 22: The State Council Information
vention and control of the outbreak, with
Li Bin, Vice Minister of the National Health
January 20: Xi orders resolute efforts to
curb the outbreak, stressing people’s lives
and health are the top priority.
January 20: The NHC announces that it
will take preventive and control measures
used for Category A infectious diseases.
Pneumonia caused by the 2019-nCoV is
and a quarantinable disease at the border.
January 13: A Chinese tourist from Wuhan
infected with the 2019-nCoV.
January 10: China shares genome se-
quence of the virus with WHO and other
January 7: Preliminary lab results show
that a new type of coronavirus caused
the viral pneumonia in Wuhan. The newly
detected coronavirus is different from
known species, including the viruses that
caused SARS and MERS, and needs fur-
ther research and understanding.
January 1: The seafood market in Wuhan
associated with the outbreak of the viral pneu-
monia is closed.
December 31, 2019: The Wuhan Municipal
Health Commission states that the 27 pneu-
pneumonia, and all cases were found to be
related to a local seafood market. The com-
mission says that the patients, including seven
in serious condition, reported symptoms of
fever and difficulty in breathing. All patients
receive quarantined treatment and authorities
investigate the market’s hygiene conditions.
December 30, 2019: The NHC notices an
outbreak of viral pneumonia in Wuhan and
dispatches a national working group and ex-
perts to guide and support its prevention and
treatment. The earliest case was recorded on
December 8, 2019, according to the Wuhan
Municipal Health Commission on January 11.
(Compiled by Beijing Review)
Scan the QR code for the
latest 2019-nCoV data
fected cities, according to multiple sources.
There is also an outpouring of international
assistance in a show of solidarity with medi-
cal supplies being sent in by countries as
diverse as Japan, Pakistan and Iran.
The economic fallout
As the epidemic continues, people cannot
help wondering about its economic impact.
According to Lian Weiliang, Vice Minister
of the National Development and Reform
Commission, on February 3, the economic
impact depends on the progress and effective-
ness of epidemic prevention and control.
It is relatively large for transportation, cul-
tural, tourism, catering, entertainment and
other services. Liu said because of restrictive
measures, the travel volume on Chinese New
Year Day, which fell on January 25, declined
41.5 percent year on year for railways, 25
percent for road transport and 41.6 percent
for airlines.
At the same time, online shopping, online
meal ordering, online entertainment and other
new forms of the digital economy are very
robust, Lian said. “It should be stressed that
the economic impact is temporary and will not
change the fundamentals of China’s long-term
economic growth,” he added.
Speaking of the impact on foreign trade,
Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Bingnan
called on the international community to work
together to overcome the difficulties rather
than impose restrictions.
Various levels of governments are making
policies to guarantee exports, he added. For
instance, the local government of Suzhou, a hi-
tech manufacturing hub in Jiangsu Province in
east China, has issued 10 policies to help small
and medium-sized enterprises deal with the
The economic impact of the current out-
break can’t be computed based on the SARS
experience, Lian said. Today, advanced technol-
ogy such as the Internet and Internet of Things
has made it possible for a lot of work to be done
remotely and automatically.
“Currently, China’s economic strength and
stronger than at the time of the SARS breakout.
We are capable and confident of preventing
and controlling the epidemic, and minimizing
its impact on the economy,” he said.Q
A volunteer in Cixi City, Zhejiang Province in east China,
offers psychological counseling to people through a
smartphone app on February 4