For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp288–91 and pp292–5
Prague Castle
Picture Gallery 1
Obrazárna pražského
Prague Castle, second courtyard.
Map B3. Tel 224 373 531. v 22.
X Malostranská, Hradčanská.
Apr–Oct: 9am–6pm daily; Nov–
Mar: 9am–4pm daily. & 7
This gallery was created in
Prague Castle in 1965 to dis-
play, among other works, what
remains of the great art collec-
tion of the Habsburg Emperor
Rudolph II (r. 1576–1612).
Though many works of art
were looted by the occu pying
Swedish Army in 1648, some
fine paint ings remain, includ-
ing works by art ists Hans von
Aachen and Bartolomeus
Spranger. Paintings from the
16th to the 18th centuries
make up the bulk of the gal-
lery’s collec tion. High lights
include Rubens’s The Assembly
of the Olympic Gods, featuring
Venus and Jupiter, Tintoretto’s
Flagellation of Christ and
Titian’s The Toilet of a Young
Lady. Master Theodoric, Paolo
Veronese and the Czech
Baroque artists Jan Kupecký
and Petr Brandl are among the
other painters represented.
The sculp tures include a bust
of Rudolph II by Adriaen Vries.
Visitors can also see the
remains of the castle’s first
church, the 9th-century Church
of Our Lady, believed to have
been built by Prince Bořivoj,
the first Přemyslid prince to
be bap tized a Christian.
Rib vaulting in the Vladislav Hall, Old Royal Palace
St Vitus’s
Cathedral 3
See pp236–7.
Old Royal Palace 2
Starý královský palác
Prague Castle, third courtyard.
Map B3. Tel 224 373 102.
v 22.X Malostranská,
Hradčanská. # Apr–Oct: 9am–
6pm daily; Nov–Mar: 9am–4pm
daily. & 7 ^ http://www.hrad.cz
From the time Prague
Castle was first fortified in
the 11th century, the Old
Royal Palace was the seat of a
long line of Bohemian kings.
The vast palace complex
consists of three different
architec tural layers. A
Romanesque palace, built
around 1135, forms the
basement of the present
structure. Over the next 200
years, two further palaces
were built above this – the
first by Přemysl Otakar II
in 1253, and the second
by Charles IV in 1340. On
the top floor is the massive
Gothic Vladislav Hall, with
St George’s Basilica
and Convent 4
Bazilika a klášter sv Jiří
Jiřská náměstí. Map B3. Tel 224
373 368. v 22.X Malostranská,
Hradčanská. # Apr–Oct: 9am–6pm
daily; Nov–Mar 9am–4pm daily. &
7 ^ Concerts # Apr–Sep: call
for timings. http://www.hrad.cz
St George’s Basilica was
founded by Prince Vratislav
in 920 and is the best pre-
served Romanesque church
in Prague. The huge twin
towers and austere interior
have been restored to give
an idea of the church’s
original appearance.
The inte rior con tains
the 10th-cen tury tomb of
Vratislav I, located oppo site
the presbytery. Also buried
in the church are Prince
Boleslav II, who died in 992,
and Princess Ludmila (grand-
mother of St Wenceslas), who
was mur dered in 921 and is
revered as the first Bohemian
saint. Her 14th-cen tury tomb-
stone is located in the Gothic
side chapel. Other points of
interest include a rare early
Titian’s The Toilet of a Young Lady
in Prague Castle Picture Gallery
its splendid rib vaulting.
Designed for King Vladislav
Jagiello, it was completed
in 1502. The Rider’s Staircase,
just off the hall, is a flight
of steps with a magnificent
Gothic rib-vaulting ceiling.
It was used by knights on
horseback to get to joust-
ing contests.
Under Habsburg rule,
the palace housed govern-
ment offices, courts and
the old Bohemian parliament.
The Bohemian Chancellery,
the former royal offices of
the Habsburgs, is the site
of famous 1618 defenes-
tration, In 1619 the
Bohemian nobles deposed
Emperor Ferdinand II as king
of Bohemia, electing in his
place Frederick of the
Palatinate. This led to the
first major battle of the
Thirty Years’ War (see p228).