. Flying Buttresses
The slender buttresses that
surround the exterior of the
nave and chancel, supporting
the vaulted interior, are
richly decorated.
. Chapel of
St Wenceslas
This opulent, jew-
el-studded chap-
el, home to the
saint’s tomb, is
the highlight of a
visit to St Vitus’s
Cathedral. This
bronze ring hangs
on the chapel’s
north portal.
. Golden Portal
Until the 19th century, this was the
main cathedral entrance and it is still
used on special occasions. Above it is a
mosaic of The Last Judgment by
14th-century Venetian craftsmen.
Gothic Vaulting
The skills of architect
Peter Parler are clearly
seen in the delicate
fans of ribbing that
support the three
Gothic arches of the
Golden Portal.
To Old Royal
The Renaissance
bell tower is
capped with a
Baroque “helmet”.
The tomb of
St Wenceslas is connected
to an altar, decorated with
semi-precious stones.
Prague Castle, third courtyard.
Map B3. v 22 to Prague
Castle. X Hradčanská,
Malostranská. Cathedral
# Mar–Oct: 9am–5pm Mon–
Sat, 12pm–5pm Sun; Nov–Feb:
9am–4pm Mon–Sat, 12pm–4pm
Sun. Bell tower # Apr–Oct:
9am–4pm daily. & 7 5
. Flying Buttresses
. Chapel of
St Wenceslas
. Golden Portal