Eastern and Central Europe (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(Ben Green) #1

High Altar
A copper statue of St Nicholas
by Ignaz Platzer (1717–87)
surmounts the high altar.
Below it, the painting of
St Joseph is by Johann
Lukas Kracker.

. Statues of the Eastern
Church Fathers
The impressive statues of the
church fathers, which stand at
the four corners of the crossing,
are the work of Ignaz Platzer.

The dome was
completed by Kilian
Ignaz Dientzenhofer
in 1751, shortly
before his death.

The belfry, added
between 1751 and
1756, was the last
part to be built. Visi-
tors can climb up to
admire the view.

. Dome Fresco
Franz Palko’s superb fresco, The
Celebration of the Holy Trinity
(1752–3), fills the 70-m (230-ft)
high dome.


Malostranské náměstí. Map C3.
Tel 257 534 215. v 12, 20, 22
to Malostranské náměstí.
X Malostranská. # Mar–Oct:
9am–5pm daily; Nov–Feb: 9am–
4pm daily. & 8 ^ 5
Concerts http://www.psalterium.cz

Christoph Dientzenhofer (1655–1722) came
from a family of Bavarian master builders.
His son Kilian Ignaz (1689–1751) was born
in Prague and educated at the Jesuit
Clementinum. Together, they were
responsible for the greatest trea-
sures of Jesuit-influenced Prague
Baroque architecture. The
Church of St Nicholas, their last
work, was completed by Kilian’s
son-in-law, Anselmo Lurago. Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer
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