The Imperial Palace’s
first floor was used by
courtiers; the second by
the emperor for private
and official functions.
. Church of St Mary
One of the paintings in the
Church of St Mary depicts
Charles IV receiving two thorns
from the crown of Jesus from
the French dauphin, Charles.
St Catherine’s Chapel
Used as a place of meditation
by Charles IV, this tiny chapel
has walls that are richly
decorated with paintings
and semi-precious stones.
Madonna Statue
The 14th-century marble
statue of the Madonna, in
the royal bedchamber,
belonged to King Charles IV.
Vassals’ Hall of the Imperial Palace
A striking feature of the Vassals’ Hall is the late-Gothic
altarpiece from St Palmatius’s Church in the village of
Budňany at the foot of Karlštejn Castle.
25 km (16 miles) SW of
Prague. Tel 311 681 695.
£ from Prague. n Státní
hrad, 311 681 617. # Mar–
Nov: Tue–Sun. ^ interiors.
Holy Cross Chapel # Jun–
Oct: Tue–Sun. & 8