Mikulov e
251 km (156 miles) SE of Prague.
- 8,000. £ @ n Náměstí 1, 519
510 899.
Built on a hillside close to
the Austrian border east of
Znojmo, Mikulov is a pic ture-
postcard town with delight ful
streets and some fine
Renaissance and Baroque
houses. Mikulov Castle (zámek
Mikulov), originally 13th-cen-
tury but much altered, was
used by the Gestapo, the
sec ret state police of Nazi
Germany, to hoard confis-
cated art objects. It was burnt
down in the final days of
World War II. Rebuilt in the
1950s, it now houses the local
museum and has a large col-
lec tion of portraits of
Habsburg royalty and car-
dinals. It also has fine vaults,
which were used for cen turies
to store locally made wine.
In the mid-19th century
Mikulov was home to the
sec ond largest Jewish com-
munity in the Czech region.
Its once thriving Jewish
quarter, with a renovated
16th-century synagogue, lies to
the west of the castle. Round
the corner on Brněnská ulice,
a rugged path leads to a medi-
e val Jewish ceme tery which
has over 4,000 graves and
finely car ved marble tomb -
stones dating back to 1605.
+ Mikulov Castle
Zámek 1. Tel 519 309 019.
# Apr, Oct: 9am–4pm Tue–Sun;
Jul, Aug: 9am–6pm Tue–Sun; May,
Jun, Sep: 9am–5pm Tue–Sun. &
Mikulov Castle, set above the red rooftops of the pretty town of Mikulov
Sumptuous furnishings in the Imperial Room, Archbishop’s Palace, Kroměříž
Kroměříž t
271 km (169 miles) SE of Prague.
* 30,000. £ @
The historic town of Kroměříž,
with its lovely gardens and
archi tec turally appealing
build ings, has survived the
Communist period relatively
unscathed. The main square,
Velké náměstí, has been care-
fully restored and is one of
the prettiest in Moravia. The
main attraction, just north of
the square, is the magnificent
UNESCO-listed Archbishop’s
Palace (Arcibiskupský zámek),
the seat of the Bishops of
Olomouc between the
12th and the 19th centuries.
This vast Baroque fortress has
some splendidly furnished
rooms and houses the
impres sive art collection
of the Liechtenstein family,
with works by Titian, Van
Dyck, Veronese and Cranach.
Among the highlights is the
Assembly Hall, where talks
were once held by the exiled
Austrian Imperial Parliament
from 1848–9, during which
they drafted a new constitu-
tion. The Imperial Room
includes por traits of Franz
Joseph I, who went hunt ing
here with Tsar Alexander III.
Their trophies can be seen
in the Hunting Hall. Above
the main entrance, the Vassals’
Hall (Mansky sál) has a
mag nif icent ceiling fresco
(1759) by the Viennese
artist F A Mauelbertsch, while
the library houses 90,000
volumes dating from the
16th and 17th centuries.
Brno r
See pp280–81.
+ Archbishop’s Palace
Sněouní náměstí 1. Tel 573 502
Apr, Oct: 9am–4pm Sat &
Sun; May, Jun, Sep: 9am–5pm Tue–
Sun; Jul, Aug: 9am–6pm Tue–Sun
(or by appt). & 8 2 routes.