For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp288–91 and pp292–5
P Main Square
The Main Square
(Horní náměstí) has
at its centre the grand
13th-century Town Hall
(radnice), which was
greatly extended in
the 15th century, when
it acquired an exquisite
astronomical clock. A
finely vaulted Gothic
Debating Hall and a
chapel dedi cated to
St Jerome were
also added during
the renovation.
The huge Holy Trinity
Column (sousoší
Nejsvětější Trojice) in
front of the Town Hall
was added to the
UNESCO World Heritage
List in 2000. This
unique example of
Baroque sculpture was erected
between 1716 and 1717. Its
three tiers are decorated with
historical fig ures and saints
and crowned by figures repre-
senting the Holy Trinity.
Olomouc has seven
fountains, three of
which are located
in this square.
The largest of
them, made by
local architect
Jan J Schauberger
in 1725, is the
Caesar Fountain,
sporting an
equestrian statue of
Gaius Julius Caesar,
the legendary founder
of the town. The
other two are the
Arion Fountain, depicting the
ancient poet Arion, and the
Hercules Fountain, portraying
the famed Greek hero holding
a white eagle – the official
symbol of the town.
R Church of St Michael
Žerotinovo náměstí. # 10am–noon,
2:30–3:30pm Wed, 2:30–3:30pm Fri.
The Dominicans, who arrived
in Olomouc in about 1240,
soon began to build a monas-
tery and the Church of St
Michael (sv Michala) on the
town’s most elevated site. In
the 14th and 15th centuries it
was destroyed by fire, and
in the 17th century it suffered
damage during the Thirty
Years’ War. Between 1673 and
1699 it was rebuilt in Baroque
style by the architect Giovanni
Pietro Tencalla, who designed
the first three-domed edifice
in Moravia. Most of the fur-
nish ings, including the organs,
date from the Baroque period.
In 1829, the main façade of
the build ing was decorated
with fine statues of the Virgin
Mary and Christ, produced
by Ondřej Zahner.
R Church of St Maurice
Úzká. # 8am Mon–Sat, 7:30am,
9am & 10:30am Sun. 8 Tower
May–Oct: 9am–5pm Mon–Sat,
noon–5pm Sun.
The 15th-century Church of
St Maurice (sv Mořice),
with two asym-
metrical towers,
resem bles a
medie val fort-
ress. Out side,
it has a highly
unusual archi tectural
detail in the form of an
external stair case
enclosed within a
round cage. The Gothic
interior is impres sive,
with stained-glass
windows and a vast
1505 wall paint ing. It
also houses the larg est organ
in Central Europe, made by
organ maker Michael Engler,
in 1745. The church’s Tower
provides pano ramic views of
the Main Square.
According to legend, Olomouc, one of Moravia’s oldest
towns, was founded by Julius Caesar. However, it did not
actually come into existence until the 7th century, when
it grew into a major power centre. In 1063 it was made a
bishopric and in 1187, the capital of Moravia; from 1655
it became a military stronghold. Today, Olomouc is a
prosperous and vibrant university town. The oldest part
of the historic town centre, surrounded by a ring of
parks, is centred on the Main Square (Horní náměstí).
This part of the town is fascinating to explore for its
lively atmosphere and beautiful religious buildings.
Olomouc y
Stained-glass window, Church of St Maurice
Top of the Holy
Trinity Column
R St Jan Sarkander Chapel
Na Hradě. Tel 603 282 975.
This chapel (sv Jana
Sarkandera) is a Neo-Baroque
building designed by E Sochor
between 1909 and 1912.
Dedi cated to Jan Sarkander, a
17th-cen tury prea cher who
was can on ized by Pope John
Paul II in 1995, it was erected
on the site of the town prison.
R Church of Our Lady of
the Snows
Built between 1712 and
1722 by Olomouc Jesuits,
this church (Panny Marie
Sněžné) served, until 1778,
Sculptures in the cloister of the
Church of St Michael