Eastern and Central Europe (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(Ben Green) #1

. State Apartments
The table in the state banqueting
hall is laid as it used to be during
the latter part of the reign of
Franz Joseph I (1848–1916).

The Burgtor, or outer gate,
was built to a design by
Peter Nobile between
1821 and 1824.

Monument to Eugene
of Savoy (1865)

Mozart Memorial (1896)
Viktor Tilgner’s statue of
the composer stands just
inside the entrance to
the Ringstrasse.

Hofburgkapelle, the
Hofburg chapel,
is where the famous
Vienna Boys’
Choir performs.

Neue Burg
The last wing of
Hofburg, was built
just before the out-
break of World War I,
during the final days
of the monarchy.

This 16th-century
gateway leads to the
Schweizerhof, the oldest part
of the Hofburg, originally a
stronghold with four towers.




Michaelerkuppel, Hofburg
Complex.Tel (01) 533 7570.
% Stephansplatz, Herrengasse,
Volkstheater. @ 2A, 3A.
v D, J, 1. # Sep–Jun:
9am–5:30pm daily; Jul &
Aug: 9am–6pm daily.
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