Back Roads Germany (Dk Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Sui) #1



Hotel auf der Wartburg expensive
This luxurious small hotel has
indivi d u ally styled rooms.
Auf der Wartburg, 62298; 03691 79 70;

Patrizier moderate
A half-timbered building in the town
center, this hotel is decorated with floral
wallpaper and antique-style furnishings.
Weidebrunner Gasse 9, 98574; 03683
60 45 14;

Sächsischer Hof moderate
Elegant Biedermeier-style furnishings
and spacious dimensions reflect this
hotel’s early 1800s vintage.
Georgstrasse 1, 98617; 03693 45 70;


1 The Wartburg
Thuringia; 99817
Clasped to a ridge south of Eisenach,
the Wartburg (open daily) is a well-
spring of German identity. The
castle’s Romanesque Palas, or Great
Hall, is rich with 19th-century murals
and mosaics. According to legend,
medieval bards once battled for their
lives in singing con tests roman ticized
in Wagner’s opera, Tannhäuser. The
exiled Martin Luther hid here while
transla ting the New Testament into
German in 1521. In 1817, student
fraternities from across the country
gathered here to demonstrate for
a united Germany. Drive to the old
town of Eisenach on the B19 to pay
tribute to Johann Sebastian Bach, by
visiting the Bachhaus (open daily), the
museum built on what was thought
to be the site of his birth.
ª Follow signs for Naturpark-Route
Thüringer Wald on the B7 then the B88.
At Thal, take the B88 to Seebach, Tabarz,
and then Friedrichroda. Turn right at the
T-junction and park on the main square.

Above Bachhaus with its lovely garden,
Eisenach Below The Wartburg, perched
on top of a hill, Eisenach


Park in the castle’s parking lot.
Alternatively, visitors can park in
Eisenach’s old town and take mini-trains
or bus No. 10 from the main square.
Tourist Information (Eisenach)
Markt 24, 99817; 03691 792 30;

3 Grosser Inselsberg
Thuringia; 98599
A patchwork of woodland and
meadow spreads out beneath one
of the highest mountains in the
Thuringian Forest. At 3,012 ft (918 m),
it has forested hills to the south and
foothills rolling north to Eisenach.
Well known as a winter ski resort,
Grosser Inselsberg is also a pop ular
destination in summer. Adven ture
enthusiasts can try walk ing a section
of the Rennsteig, Germany’s most
popular long-distance footpath, to
climb to the summit or whizz down hill
through the pine trees on a summer
toboggan run (Mar–Oct: open daily).
ª Return to the main road and head
to Brotterode. Turn left in the town
center, following signs to Schmalkalden.
Parking is available in the Pfaffenwiese
parking lot, past the roundabout.

2 Friedrichroda
Thuringia; 99894
Spa waters have attracted
vacationers to Friedrichroda for the
past two centuries. In 1835, Britain’s
Princess Victoria came here to take a
cure and fell in love with Duke Albert
of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, her future
husband. Tour the gardens of the
Neo-Gothic Schloss Reinhardsbrunn
(May–Oct: open Sat & Sun) where the
two royals met. Return to Tabarz to
visit the Marienglashöhle (open daily)
grotto. It literally means “Mary’s Glass
Cave,” which alludes to the gypsum
crystals found here that were mined
for altar decoration.
ª Return to Tabarz, then turn left
at the brown panorama symbol and
drive through the town center. Drive
uphill, following signs to turn right
toward Grosser Inselsberg.


Tourist Information
Tabarz, Theodor-Neubauer-Park 3,
99891; 03625 96 10 87
03613 74 20; http://www.thueringen-
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