Above Houses and shops around
Krämerbrϋcke, Erfurt Below Schloss
Wachsenburg above Holzhausen
9 Drei Gleichen
Thuringia; 99869
Three castles, collectively known
as Drei Gleichen, crown the hills
en route to Gotha. The 17th-
century Wachsenburg is the best pre-
served after its restoration as
a hotel and restaurant; it is worth a
visit for the view from its perch
above Holzhausen village. Continue
for 3 miles (5 km) on the road to
reach Thuringia’s oldest castle, the
Mühlberg (Mar–Oct: open daily),
a ruin located above its sleepy
village. A fur ther 1 mile (2 km) drive
north ward toward Wandersleben
leads to the ruined Burg Gleichen,
which still retains its impressive
defensive walls.
ª From Mühlberg, continue to
Gotha via Wechmar and
Schwabhausen. Turn right on to the
B247 and follow signs to Gotha and
brown signs to Schloss Friedenstein.
Berg-und Jagdhotel Gabelbach
Located midway along the
Goethewanderweg path, this
comfortable if rather dated spa
hotel in the woodland south of
Ilmenau is well placed for walkers.
Waldstrasse 23, 98693; 03677 86 00;
Park moderate
This understated design hotel was
renovated from a brick brewery in
2008 and has an attached microbre-
wery/restaurant. Located south of
the old town, it provides free bikes
for guests to explore the region.
Brauhausstrasse 1–3, 99310; 03628 60
75 00; http://www.arnstadt-stadtbrauerei.de
Zumnorde am Anger moderate
Extra-large beds come as standard in
the classic, modern rooms of this smart
and efficient hotel in the city center.
Anger 50–51,99084; 0361 568 00;
7 Ilmenau
Thuringia; 98693
“I was always happy to spend time
here,” wrote JW Goethe, 18th-century
playwright and philosopher, about
this university town. Ilmenau
returned the com pli ment by dedicat-
ing the Goethe Stadtmuseum (open
daily) to the father of the German
Enlightenment. The museum is
located in the Baroque Amtshaus on
the Markt, where a bronze of Goethe
rests on a bench.
ª Take the Bücheloher Strasse,
following signs to Martinroda, Neusiss
and Dosdorf to Arnstadt. Go straight
over the round about into Plauesche
Strasse toward the tower and
park on Ried.
Where to Stay: inexpensive, under €70; moderate, €70–€150; expensive, over €150
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Frankfurt-born son of a wealthy
family, Goethe (1748–1832) found
fame at the age of 26 as the author
of The Sorrows of Young Werther. This
tale of obsessive love not only
became the best seller of the early
Romantic move ment, but also led to
Goethe’s appointment as ducal
adviser in Weimar in 1775. Yet, to
label Goethe as just a writer is inade-
quate. Between court duties, he
con ducted scientific exper iments,
studied geology, designed palaces
and gardens, col lected antiquities,
and penned his masterpiece, Faust.
Author Thomas Mann dubbed him
“the greatest German of all.”
8 Arnstadt
Thuringia; 99310
A medieval watchtower at Arnstadt’s
entrance hints at the charm of this old
town at the forest’s edge. Full of half-
tim bered houses and tangled lanes, it
is a great place to explore. The Markt
has a Renaissance town hall and the
Bachkirche. Arnstadt was the home of
the composer Johann Sebastian Bach,
who, at the age of 18, scandalized the
con gre ga tion of the Bachkirche with
his contra puntal style on the organ. In
the Schlossmuseum (closed Mon) on
Erfurter Strasse are 18th-cen tury doll
tableaus and porcelain dis plays.
ª Return to the roundabout and turn
left on to Lindenallee, following signs
to Zentrum. Turn left at the round about
on to Wachsenburgallee, then right
and then left on to Ohrdrufer Strasse
toward Gotha to reach Holzhausen.