Left St. Georg’s Dom in its lovely setting
above Lahn river Below Detail in the main
hall of the Kaiser Friedrich Therme, Wiesbaden
3 Runkel
Hesse; 65594
The Lahn Valley narrows and
becomes steeper at Runkel, where
the mighty Burg (Easter–Oct: closed
Mon) overlooks a 15th-century stone
bridge. The older, upper fortress was
left a ruin by Austrian troops during
the Thirty Years’ War, while the
13th-cen tury Unterburg, the lower
castle, contains a museum and is
the seat of the Wied family. On the
opposite bank of the river stands
another castle, Burg Schadeck.
Known as the “swallows nest,” it
was built as a result of a dispute
within Runkel’s founding family.
ª Leave Runkel on Borngasse,
following signs to Villmar and
Aumenau. At Aumenau, turn left on to
Elkerhaüser Strasse, then follow route
to Weilburg. Use the Parkdeck Rathaus
close to the tourist office to park.
DRIVE 12: In the Land of the Brothers Grimm
built in the 13th century, is one of
the oldest in Limburg. With a lofty,
beamed hall on the ground floor,
typical of the Altstadt’s houses, it is
now a hotel and restau rant. Turn
left into Römer 4 , dominated by a
beau tifully restored 13th-century
Gothic Hallenhaus. Archaeological
excava tion at the site of this
hall house has unearthed the
remains of a Jewish ritual
bath or mikvah. Turn right at
the end of Römer and take
the steps up to Domstrasse.
Cross the road to reach
Diözesanmuseum 5 (mid-
Mar–mid-Nov: closed Mon).
The museum’s collec tion
of ecclesiastical trea sures
includes the Staurothek, a
10th-cen tury Byzantine cross
reliquary. Leaving the museum,
turn right up Domstrasse on to the
Domplatz to visit the mag nifi cent red-
and-white bulk of St. Georg’s Dom 6.
The cathe dral was built in the early
13th cen tury with the wealth accrued
by Limburg’s mer chants in the
Crusades. Its archi tec ture is a blend
of Rhenish Romanesque and early
French Gothic. The interior has
some early medieval frescoes.
Return to the Domplatz and walk
along the southern walls of the
cathedral to reach the Schloss 7.
Though built on a superb defensive
site high above the river, it is hard to
imagine anything less for bidding than
the castle’s pictur esque collection of
stone and half-timbered buildings
grouped around a central courtyard.
Return to Domplatz, turning left down
the atmospheric Grosse Domtreppe,
the great cathedral steps, to reach
Bischofsplatz 8. On the right, tall
half-timbered houses lean at giddy
angles and on the left is the
Ente expensive
The Nassauer Hof ’s gourmet restaurant
oozes class, from the understated ele-
gance of its ocean liner-like decor to
the 1,800-bottle wine cellar and the
creative menu, which offers the likes of
chargrilled eel with melted goose liver,
boletus powder, and lamb’s lettuce.
Kaiser-Friedrich-Platz 3-4, 65183; 0611
13 30; http://www.nassauer-hof.de; closed
Sun & Mon
Kaefer’s expensive
There is a club-like atmosphere at this
elegant bistro in the Kurhaus. The menu
blends German, French, and other
international influences, and includes
plenty of seafood.
Kurhausplatz 1, 65189; 0611 53 62 00;
Other options
Wiesbaden’s traditional high temple
of cake and coffee is Café Maldaner
(Marktstrasse 34, 65183; 0611 30 52
14), founded in 1859. Head to Fritz
Kunder (Wilhelmstrasse 12, 65183;
0611 44 13 59), to sample Wiesbadener
Ananastörtchen (refined bitter chocolate
with a pineapple jelly filling).
Werner-Senger-Haus moderate
Specialities such as foil-cooked
pike-perch fillet with herbs or boiled
beef with Frankfurt green sauce are
served here, in one of Limburg’s oldest
half-timbered houses.
Rütsche 5, 65549; 06431 69 42;
Eat and Drink: inexpensive, under €20; moderate, €20–€40; expensive, over €40
Stadtkirche or parish church, built
around 1300. From Bischofsplatz
follow Barfüssergasse and Salzgasse
through the bustling heart of the
Altstadt, stop ping to admire the
antiques and gift shops on the way
to Fischmarkt 9. This contains the
most impressive concen tration of
beautiful early-medieval
houses in Limburg, includ-
ing the Altes Rathaus, with
its fine beamed hall and
lovely spiral stair case. The
old town hall now houses
the municipal art collection
(open during exhi bitions only).
Turn left into Brückengasse
and then left again into
Konrad Kurzbold Strasse
to reach the parking lot.
ª Leave the city on
Eschhöfer Weg, following signs
to Runkel.
Sculpture in Limburg
an der Lahn’s
old town