5 The Zwölf Apostel
Bavaria; 91807
The dolomite outcrops known as
the Zwölf Apostel (Twelve Apostles)
at Solnhofen are among the most
impres sive of the Altmühl Valley’s
Jurassic landforms. Easily reached
along the Panorama weg footpath
from the parking lot west of the cliffs,
this site is a nature reserve. The
124-mile (200-km) Altmühltal
Panoramaweg hiking trail (NATOUR;
Gänswirtshaus 12; http://www.natour-
altmuehltal.de) is a relax ing way of dis-
cover ing the valley’s scenery. The area
southwest of Solnhofen has yielded
many of the region’s most out standing
fossils, while to the east, at Dollnstein,
canoes can be rented on the Altmühl
ª Continue north to Pappenheim.
Fascinating Geology
Solnhofen’s fossils were formed in a
salty lagoon on the edge of the sea.
The animals that died in the lagoon
were well preserved due to the lack
of oxygen in the water. Among the
specimens found are those of the
earliest known bird, archaeopteryx.
Right View of the Altmühl Valley from
Willibaldsburg, Eichstätt Center right
Bishop’s palace in the Residenzplatz, Eichstätt
Below Limestone crags, Altmühl Valley
Where to Stay: inexpensive, under €70; moderate, €70–€150; expensive, over €150
Waldgasthof Geländer inexpensive
Situated in a tranquil forest clearing just
north of Eichstätt, this three-star hotel
offers comfortable, modern rooms and
excellent regional cuisine in its award-
winning restaurant.
B13, Eichstätt-Weissenburg 85132;
08421 93 77 70; http://www.waldgasthof-
Zum Goldenen Hirschen inexpensive
Tucked behind the gabled Renaissance
façade of this 16th-century former
brew ery, in the heart of Pappenheim,
are 14 atmospheric and tastefully
renova ted rooms and suites.
Marktplatz 4, 91788; 0914 34 34; http://www.
Der Millipp moderate
This stylish, half-timbered, 16th-century
hotel in the historic town of Beilngries
has plenty of spacious rooms.
Hauptstrasse 9, 92339; 08461 12 03;
4 Eichstätt
Bavaria; 85072
The university town of Eichstätt,
an indepen dent Catholic bishopric
for centuries, retains the feel of a
minia ture capital city. The Dom is
remarkable for its Gothic Pappenheim
altar, but Baroque archi tec ture trans-
formed the town after the Thirty
Years’ War. This is most apparent in
the Residenzplatz, which is dom-
inated by the bishops’ palace. High
above the town, the castle of
Willibaldsburg houses the Jura
Museum (closed Mon), with Jurassic-era
fossils from the surrounding district.
Explore Eichstatt’s dinosaur trails
by pick ing up a map from the tourist
office to follow the Fossilienpfad or
fossil path, which leads to the fossil
quarry of Blumenberg. After ward, ask
at the tourist office for informa tion
about visiting the town’s artist’s
studios and crafts workshops.
ª Take the B13/ Weissenburger
Strasse, turn left on to Rebdorfer
Strasse after the bridge at the sign for
Solnhofen. Follow the road along the
On quiet days, it is relatively easy to
find on-street parking in the town
center. Drivers can also use the
Altstadt parking lot on Ostenstrasse.
Tourist Information
Domplatz 8, 85072; 08421 600 13 00;
http://www.eichstaett.info; Apr–Oct: open
daily; Nov–Mar: open Mon–Fri
Altmühl Valley to the Zwölf Apostel.
Continue past it to the parking lot just
before Solnhofen village.