Center left Stunning Marienaltar with
Mary as the central figure, Crelingen
Below Pretty rural landscape, Creglingen
3 Bad Mergentheim
Baden-Württemberg; 97980
Lying in a charming spot on
the Tauber river, Bad Mergentheim
was home to the Teutonic Knights
from 1527 to 1809. First built in
the 12th–13th centuries, the
Deutschordensschloss dominates
this leafy little spa town. The castle
houses a museum (closed Mon) with
staterooms and dis plays relating to
the Knight’s history. Just south of the
town, Pfarrkirche (closed Mon), the
parish church at Stuppach, con tains
a masterpiece, the Stuppacher
Madonna (1519), by German
Renaissance pain ter Matthias
Grünewald. Around 1 mile (2 km)
from the town is the Wildpark Bad
Mergentheim (07931 413 44; http://www.
geopark-ries.de), which is spread over
86 acres (35 ha), and features more
than 75 species in a natural setting.
ª Head east along the B19/
Igersheimer Strasse. From Igersheim,
turn right. Follow signs to Weikersheim.
4 Weikersheim
Baden-Württemberg; 97990
Weikersheim’s neat central square
acts as a picturesque frame for
Schloss Weikersheim (open daily),
transformed in the 16th century,
on the orders of Count Wolfgang II
of Hohenlohe, into one of Germany’s
most beautiful Renaissance palaces.
The highlight of the interior is
the Rittersaal, or knight’s hall, a
vast banqueting hall with a magni fi-
cent fireplace and painted ceiling.
The Baroque palace garden,
Schlossgarten, is graced by many
fountains and more than 50 statues.
DRIVE 18: The Northern Romantic Road
Eat and Drink: inexpensive, under €20; moderate, €20–€40; expensive, over €40
The Teutonic Knights
Formed at the end of the 12th
century to protect pilgrims in the
Holy Land, the Order of the Teutonic
Knights of St. Mary’s Hospital in
Jerusalem turned its attention to
Europe after the Crusades. In the
13th century, it took Christianity and
the German language to the Baltic,
creating the German colony of East
Prussia. After the Order’s Grand
Master, Albert of Brandenburg, con-
verted to Lutheranism in 1525, its
seat moved from Königsberg to Bad
Mergentheim. The Order’s distin ctive
black cross has become famous
as the model for the Iron Cross,
Germany’s decoration for gallantry.
Ratskeller moderate
The menu at this lovely, atmospheric
restaurant is a mix of steaks, salads, and
hearty regional fare, such as liver dump-
ling soup or Franconian bratwurst, all
accompanied by delicious local wines.
Langgasse 1, 97070; 0931 130 21;
Badischer Hof moderate
Regional cooking using seasonal
ingredients typifies the menu at the
Badischer Hof, where dishes such as
pork steak in burgundy sauce with
homemade Spätzle (Swabian noodles)
or marinated venison with cranberry,
potato dumpling and red cabbage are
accompanied by wines from the
surrounding district.
Sonnenplatz, 97941; 09341 98 80;
http://www.hotelbadischerhof.de; closed Fri
Restaurant im Gewölbe expensive
A stone-vaulted cellar is the setting for
Jürgen Koch’s gourmet cooking, which
fuses international sophisti cation with
regional ingredients in dishes such as
pike-perch with crisp bacon, verjuice,
red wine reduction, and potato
Maultaschen (Swabian ravioli).
Marktplatz 5, 97990; 07934 910 80;
http://www.hotel-laurentius.de; closed Mon
5 Creglingen
Baden-Württemberg; 97993
Upstream from Weikersheim, on the
Bavarian border, is the small town of
Creglingen. Just south of its half-
tim bered center is the Herrgottskirche
(closed Jan). This unassuming pilgrim-
age church shelters a masterpiece by
sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider.
Carved sometime between 1493
and 1510, the Marienaltar was so
aligned that the central figure of Mary
is illumi nated through the chapel’s
rose window on the Feast of the
Assumption on August 25.
ª Return to Creglingen, turning right
on to the Romantische Strasse
towards Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
ª Continue along the Tauber Valley.
Follow signs to Rottingen taking the
same road to Bieberehren, then drive
south to Creglingen. Herrgottskirche is
south of the junction with Rothenburger
Strasse; there is parking on the side
of the road.
A long-distance hiking trail runs parallel
to the Romantic Road, threading
through meadows and forests. Visitors
can contact the nearest local tourist
office (www.romantischestrasse.de)
for more information.