Back Roads Germany (Dk Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Sui) #1


Above Punting on the idyllic Neckar
river, Tübingen Below Townhouses along
the Neckar river, Tübingen


Hotel am Bad moderate
Located 1 mile (2 km) from the city
center, this good, mid-range hotel
beside the Neckar offers clean, simple
rooms with facilities such as Wi-Fi.
Uferweg-Freibad 2, 72072; 07071
797 40;
Hotel am Schloss moderate
This half-timbered hotel with
traditional charm, close to the Schloss,
boasts fine views over the city.
Burgsteige 18, 72070; 07071 929 40;
Hotel Krone moderate
A traditional-style riverside hotel by
the Eberhardsbrücke with pleasant
rooms that are furnished with the
occasional antique.
Uhland Strasse 1, 72072; 07071 133 10;

Ochsen moderate
This traditional, half-timbered three-
star guesthouse in the heart of the
town has comfortable, airy rooms
and free wireless Internet.
Marktstrasse 4, 89143; 07344 96 98 90;

1 Tübingen
Baden-Württemberg; 72070
A charming medieval city, Tübingen
first appeared in historical records
in 1078, but only grew in status 400
years later when one of Germany’s
finest universities was established
here. The Eberhardsbrücke over the
Neckar river is a useful orien tation
point and the location of the tourist
information office. The bridge
overlooks the Platanenallee, a leafy
boulevard on a narrow man-made
island alongside which punts pass
serenely in front of rows of pink-
mustard- and cream-colored houses.
Crossing the bridge, a left turn on
Neue Strasse leads to Holzmarkt, a
square dominated by the late 15th-
century Gothic Stiftskirche St. Georg
(open daily). Inside, magnificent star
vaulting spreads across the nave and
aisle roofs and the choir is dappled
with beautiful stained-glass windows.


Where to Stay: inexpensive under €70; moderate €70–€150; expensive over €150

Tübingen’s Scholars
Tübingen has attracted many fine
scholars over the years, including
theologist Philipp Melanchthon,
philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Hegel, astronomer Johannes Keppler,
and psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer.
The Romantic poet Friedrich Hölder
spent the latter part of his life in the
city, while Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe published his first works
here. More recently, Hermann Hesse
worked as a book binder here before
achieving literary fame.

A climb up the church tower reveals
fine views over the old town. On
the opposite side of the Holzmarkt,
Kirchgasse leads to Tübingen’s
Markt, whose centerpiece fountain,
Neptunbrunnen, has jolly cherubs
depicting the seasons. Behind the
fountain, the Gothic Rathaus is
dec o rated with Neo-Renaissance
frescoes of local heroes, painted to
celebrate the university’s 400th
birthday. On the lower side of the
marketplace, Marktgasse runs into
a network of old streets of the former
wine-growing neighborhood.
Back at the Markt, a walk uphill
leads to Burgsteige, where antique
shops encourage lingering on the
way to Schloss Hohentübingen.
Expanded in the early 17th century,
this 11th- century castle now serves
various university departments.
ª From the multi-story parking lot on
Wöhrdstrasse, turn left and left again at
Friedrichstrasse. Head south on B27,
then turn for Gomaringen and follow
Lichtensteinstrasse until signs for
Genkingen. Look out for brown signs to
Schloss Lichtenstein parking lot.


The multi-story Neckarparkhaus
parking lot on Wöhrdstrasse is close to
the tourist information office and only
a short walk from the city center.
Tourist Information
An der Neckarbrücke, 72072; 07071
913 60;
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