Back Roads Germany (Dk Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Sui) #1

Where to Stay 23

Below far left Burg Stahleck alongside Rhine river,
Bacharach, Rhineland-Palatinate, see p152 Below
left Camp site, Pottenstein, Bavaria Below center
Atlantic Hotel Sail City, Bremerhaven, Bremen,
see p36 Below center right Village guesthouse,
Blaubeuren, Baden-Württemberg Below Schloss
Tangermünde, Saxony-Anhalt, see p70

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus
Beethovenstrasse 69, 60325 Frankfurt;
069 97 46 40;
Hotel Reservation Service (HRS)
Drususgasses 7–11, 50667 Cologne;
0221 207 76 00;
Historic Hotels of Europe

Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk
DJH Service GmbH
Bismarckstrasse 8, 32756 Detmold;
05231 740 10;

Deutscher Camping Club e.V.
Mandlstrasse 28, 80802 Munich;
089 380 14 20;

The following price bands are based
on a standard double room in high
season including tax and service:

Inexpensive – under €70
Moderate – €70–€150
Expensive – over €150


Along the country roads, spectacular
natural backdrops provide perfect
settings for a picnic. Super markets
are usually well stocked with all that
travelers will need for an enjoyable
outing, such as a great variety of
food and camping crockery. Be
sure to check the opening hours
for super markets and convenience
stores as very few are open at
night or on Sundays, and almost
none for 24 hours. Outdoor markets,
often held on Saturdays or
Wednesdays, are also a good place

to pick up fresh produce that is
easily transported.

Reservations for accommodations
can be made directly with the hotel
by telephone, Internet, letter, or fax.
Visitors can also contact the local
tourist office and ask them to make
the arrangements. The office can
also provide information about
rooms in private homes, as well as
advice on the availability of other
accom modation options in the area.
A written confirmation may be

required to make a reservation, along
with a credit card number. It is best to
inform the estab lishment concerned
if arriving late or if delayed.

Facilities and Prices
With a wide range of accommodation
available – from the basic to the
luxurious – the facilities available
generally reflect the price paid.
Luxuries such as swimming pools
and saunas are more often available
in high-end hotels. For simple
accommodation in beautiful
surroundings, guesthouses are a
good option. However, prices are
also heavily influenced by other
factors, such as the time of year.
In resort areas, prices are highest
in summer, while in larger cities,
spring and fall are more expensive.
Prices may also double if a city or
region is hosting a special event.
This is especially the case for commer-
cial fairs and cultural festivals. In
cities, hotels situated in the centers
are particularly costly, as are establish-
ments housed within historic
palaces or charming villas. However,
many hotels have reduced prices
on weekends.

Left Four-poster bed in Burghotel auf Schönburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, see p151 Right Oberhof resort close to Thuringian forest

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