Back Roads Germany (Dk Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Sui) #1


Luther’s Living Room
Look out for Luther’s living room
in the Lutherhaus. Left as bare as
it was in 1535, it is easy to imagine
his students gathered here for the
religious conversations that were
later compiled in the book Table
Talk. Luther’s views on many
religious and social matters are
candidly outlined in the book.

DRIVE 5: History and Revolutions Along the Elbe

Eat and Drink: inexpensive, under €20; moderate, €20–€40; expensive, over €40


The most convenient place to park is
the outdoor parking lot on Neustrasse
at the corner of Mittlestrasse, though
there is plenty of on-street parking in
the vicinity, if this is full.
Tourist Information
Schlossstrasse 16, 06886; 03491 49 86


Gastwirtschaft im Küchengebäude
Located in the old kitchens of the
Schloss, this restaurant is the only real
option inside the park grounds.
Schloss Wörlitz, 06786; 03495 02 23 38
Pension Zum Hauenden Schwein
This pension has a good traditional
wine bar and restaurant.
Erdmannsdorffstrasse 69, 06786;
03490 53 01 90

Wittenberger Kartoffelhaus
An old-fashioned, dark-wood pub
specializing in potato preparations.
Schlossstrasse 2, 06886; 03491 41 12 00

Alte Canzley moderate
An excellent organic restaurant, with a
menu featuring beef in a black-beer
crust and asparagus ice cream.
Schlossstrasse 3, 06886; 03491 42 91
Marc de Cafe moderate
The fabulous cakes, coffee, and relaxed
atmosphere here encourage lingering.
Pfaffengasse 5, 06886; 03491 45 91 14

A variety of day trips are possible
along this route, taking in
ecclesiastical outposts, trading towns,
and landscaped gardens. Also discover
Lutherstadt Wittenberg’s many links
with the Protestant Reformation.

The ecclesiastical frontier
Visit the red-brick abbeys and
churches at Jerichow 2 and
Havelberg 1 and then wander
around the half-timbered houses of

Tangermünde 3. The last two can
also be reached by sailing up the Elbe
on a day trip from Magdeburg 4.

Take the B1 and turn left on to the
B107 to Jerichow and then Havelberg.

Landscape and architecture
Follow the tour from Magdeburg 4
to the Bauhaus design school 5.
Next, head for the charming, English-
style gardens of Wörlitz 6. If the
weather is bad, visit the other

Bauhaus buildings in Dessau; if
it is fine, enjoy a picnic in Wörlitz.

Follow the driving instructions
from Magdeburg.

In the footsteps of Reformation
Children will love the Lutherhaus, as it
offers plenty of engaging audio-visual
games. Be sure to climb the stairs of
the Schlossturm and then relax with
coffee and cake at Marc de Café.

Take the B184 and then the B187.

con viction in 1520 by publicly
burning the papal bull threatening

his excom munica tion. Further along
Collegienstrasse from the Lutherhaus
is the Renaissance Melanchthonhaus
3 (closed Mon), the former house
of Humanist Philipp Melanchthon,
Luther’s closest asso ciate and the
author of Augsburg Confession, a
state ment of belief that became
the Protestant constitution. Further
on, Collegienstrasse ends at the
Marktplatz 4 , where 19th-century
statues of Luther and Melanchthon
stand. To their right, an alley cuts

through a row of town houses to the
Stadtkirche St. Marien 5 (open daily),

where Luther married Katharina von
Bora and their six children were bap-
tized. This church dates from 1300 and
contains an altar (1547) painted by the
artist Lucas Cranach the Elder and his
son. On the south ern side of the
Marktplatz is the Cranachhaus 6 ,
once the resi dence of the artist. A few
doors to the right is his former studio,
the Galerie im Cranachhaus (open
daily). Further left, Schlossstrasse leads
to the old palace and the Gothic
Schlosskirche 7 (open daily). On
October 31, 1517, Luther is said to
have pinned his 95 theses on its door,
which has since been replaced with a
bronze door with the theses inscribed
in Latin. His tomb stone lies below the
pulpit, oppo site that of Melanchthon.
The stairs up the Schlossturm (castle
tower) next door offers pretty views
over the town. Take the Schlosstrasse
to Collegien strasse, turn left into
Mittelstrasse to the parking lot.

Left Impressive interior of the Gothic
Schlosskirche, Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Below Luthereiche outside the Lutherhaus,
Lutherstadt Wittenberg
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