Back Roads Germany (Dk Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Sui) #1


Above Canoes in the Spreewald town
of Lübben Below left Open-air
Freilandmuseum, set in Lehde

6 Tropical Islands
Brandenburg; 15910
Occupying a former Zeppelin
hangar, Tropical Islands (open daily),
is a landscaped indoor park complex
which contains plenty of water-based
attractions, such as pools, lagoons,
whirlpools, waterfalls, and saunas as
well as a number of restaurants.
Enjoy the lush landscape and look
out for the tropical birds that luxuriate
in the constant 81º F (27º C)

tempera ture of the complex.
ª Return to Krausnick-Gr.
Wasserburg and head to Schlepzig.
From here turn right, then right again
to get on to the B87 to park at the
harborside parking lot in Lübben.

The Sorbs
Germany’s only indigenous ethnic
minority, the Sorbs, now just 60,000
in number, can trace their ancestry
back to the Slavic Wends, who, in
the 5th century, settled in the
Lusatia swamps between the Oder
and Elbe rivers. In the 10th century,
this region was conquered and forc-
ibly Germanized. Yet Sorbian is still
spoken in the region, most street
signs are bilingual, and popular
Sorbian festivals are still observed.

Eat and Drink: inexpensive, under €20; moderate, €20–€40; expensive, over €40

8 Freilandmuseum Lehde
Brandenburg; 03222
Popular for punting and canoeing
trips, the village of Lehde is dominated
by the Freilandmuseum Lehde (Apr–
Oct: open daily). This museum recreates
a traditional Sorbian village, using
original houses and farmhouses. Take
a look at the simple, rustic furnishings
inside, including some memorable
beds designed to sleep a whole family.


Fischerkehle moderate
An elegant choice, famous for simple
local dishes featuring fish and game.
Fischerberg 7, 15377; 03343 33 74;
Bellevue expensive
A lovely villa with a Mediterranean
decor. Serves excellent seasonal
local cuisine.
Hauptstrasse 16/17, 15377; 03343 364
Schlossrestaurant Lübben moderate
This restaurant has superb views
of the palace gardens and serves
traditional Spreewald dishes.
Ernst-von-Houwald-Damm 14, 15907;
03546 40 78; http://www.schlossrestaurant-; closed Mon
Other options
Strubel’s inexpensive (Dammstrasse
3, 15907; 03542 27 98) offers traditional
cuisine with a local flavor. Try the
local fish and its perch, eel, and
pike platter.

7 Lübben
Brandenburg; 15907
The largest Spreewald town, Lübben

bustles with hotels and restaurants. Its
most popular attraction is the pretty
Schloss (Apr–Oct: closed Mon; Nov–Mar:
open Wed–Sun), which houses a
regional history museum. Behind the

This route offers a wide range of
day trips.

Spreewald delights
Begin the day by punting or
canoeing in the canals of Lübben
7 , then indulge in water sports at
the relaxing Tropical Islands 6.

From Lübben, take the Frankfurter
Strasse and then the Dorfstrasse to
the Tropical Islands.

A monastery and a ship hoist
Tour the monastery at Chorin 3
and explore the remarkable
Schiffshebewerk 4 at Niederfinow
before visiting the peaceful woods
and lakes at Buckow 5.

From Chorin, take the Angermünder
Strasse to Britz, then turn on to
Oderberger Strasse and further on to
Coderberger Strasse, then An der
Schleusentreppe and Hebewerk Strasse
to Niederfinow. Take the B167 to

Sternebech, which joins the B35. Then
take the Hauptstrasse following the
signs to Buckow.

History and architecture
Visit the memorial at Sachsenhausen
2 before heading to the delightful
Schloss Rheinsberg 1.

Take the B96 to Gransee. Take the
Sonnenberger Strasse and then the
Rheinsberger Strasse to Koppernitz,
following signs to Rheinsberg.

palace is the attractive
Schlossinsel, an artificial
archipelago with gardens
and a leafy maze. Nearby,
the busy harbor area
buzzes with punts, or
Kahn, which cruise the
surrounding waterways.
A number of operators
de) provide tours as
well as canoe or
kayak rentals.
ª From the parking lot turn left on to
the B87 then left again, following
signs to Lübbenau. From Lübbenau,
turn left at Dammstrasse and park in
central Lübbenau for a 2 mile (4 km)
walk to the Freilandmuseum.

DRIVE 7: Grand Old Prussian Avenues

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