Back Roads Great Britain (Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Meador) #1


The Kingdom

of Fife

St Andrews

to Culross

Fishing paraphernalia at pretty Pittenweem in the
East Neuk of Fife, along the coast from Anstruther


  • The home of golf

Explore the ancient university town
of St Andrews, with its tightly packed
medieval street plan, cathedral and
castle, and the oldest golf course in
the world

  • Pleasures of the East Neuk coast

Stride out along the coastal walking
path, take to the seas to watch the
abundant wildlife, or stroll around a
pretty fishing village

  • Royal retreats

Tour fabulous Renaissance Falkland
Palace, built for James IV of Scotland,
and the romantic ruins of the castle in
beautiful Loch Leven where Mary
Queen of Scots was imprisoned








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