Belgium and Luxembourg (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(WallPaper) #1

The Grotte de Lorette at
Rochefort (see p211) has been
revamped and now has a
visitors’ centre that delves into
the broader realms of geology,
including plate tectonics. A
man-made corridor cuts
through impervious marble to
reach the largest of its under-
ground chambers called the
Sabbath, the setting for a
son-et-lumière presentation.

The Grottes de Remouchamps (see p225) have
an 8,000-year-old history of human encounter.
They opened to visitors in 1912 and were illumi-
nated in 1924. A walkway leads down to a giant
chamber called the Cathedral, from where boats
follow the underground river, Rubicon, which
carved out these caves on its way to the Amblève.

The Grottes de Neptune near Couvin
(see p211) take visitors through three
levels of caves and underground rivers,
with a boat trip leading to a spectacular
son-et-lumière presentation.

Former sink holes provide water-free
entrances to the cave system.

Stalactites and stalagmites line the
limestone caves, and over the years,
fuse to form a single structure.

The Grotte de Han at Han-sur-Lesse (see p211) is the
most famous cave system of the Ardennes. In boats
and on foot, visitors can see about 3 km (2 miles)
of a huge cave system carved out by the River Lesse.
Mirror-still pools reflect the bejewelled ceilings.

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