Belgium and Luxembourg (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(WallPaper) #1

Belgium suffered during the wars of the Spanish
and Austrian empires, but châteaux reflected less
the imperatives of defence and more the status
and taste of their owners. The main stylistic influ-
ence was French, but only Château Beloeil (see
p186) begins to match the grandeur of Versailles.

Château-Fort de Bouillon (see pp232–3), on
a rock by the River Semois, was the strong-
hold of the crusader Godefroid de Bouillon.
Vauban’s work can be seen in the inner
courtyards and defensive wall positions.

Armies in this era often adapted medieval
castles for defence against powerful artillery.
A key figure was the French military architect
Marquis de Vauban, who travelled through
the Low Countries with Louis XIV’s forces. He
upgraded the castles of Namur and Bouillon,
which had military roles into the 20th century.

The Citadelle de Namur (see p202) was built on a
hilltop site used since Neolithic times. It was fortified
by the Romans and rebuilt in succeeding centuries.

Annevoie’s famous
gardens (see p204),
with their fountains
and waterfalls, reflect
the 18th-century
taste for artistically
landscaped nature
around grand houses.

Wealthy aristocrats and
newly-rich industrialists
built fantasy castles, as
they sought to combine
modern comforts with
romanticized notions of
past grandeur. Sometimes
they converted medieval
castles such as Gaasbeek
(see p165), often with some
of the most lavish interiors.

Château d’Attre (see p185), built 1752, has
preserved its original interior, a rare achieve-
ment as wars, economic fluctuations and
modernization have left few others intact.

Alden Biesen (see p168) was owned by the German
Order of the Teutonic Knights. The grim exterior
expresses their military heritage, while luxurious
rooms match their reputation for extravagance.

Corner towers reflect
military priorities

Large French-
style windows

Romantic roofline of
decorative turrets

Large windows
with river views

19th-century Kasteel van Bornem (see p156), built in a medieval style
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