USA Today - 03.03.2020

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lizabeth Warren has a plan to
deal with the new coronavirus.
The Massachusetts senator
has laid out the steps a president
must take now, including $400 bil-
lion in spending to contain the out-
break of the virus and cushion the
damage it will do to our economy.
That’s $397.5 billion more than the
House pro-
posed last
And just
like her proposals to fight the opioid
epidemic, cancel student loan debt
and take on the anti-competitive
dominance of tech giants like Google,
Facebook and Amazon, along with
her calls to end the filibuster in order
to get things done in the Senate, it’s a
thoughtful solution to a pressing
Again and again, Warren has risen
to the challenges we face, clearly de-
scribing each one and laying out a
path to meet it. There has been no
candidate in my lifetime who has bet-
ter matched her country’s needs.
The woman who warned us about
the coming of the Great Recession
doesn’t separate President Donald
Trump from the Wall Street collapse
that took trillions out of our economy
and cost us millions of jobs. She
knows he personifies the greed and
corruption at the heart of our tangled
crises of inequality and climate
There’s no question that Warren is
the best candidate to take on both
Trump and the entitled perversion of
a system that has already given us
two overgrown rich kids who lost the
popular vote, delivered massive tax
giveaways to the rich and risked fi-
nancial mayhem for the vast majority
of Americans.
The question is whether she’s best
for her party. The answer is hell, yes.
Former Vice President Joe Biden
has said that if Trump is booted from
the White House, “you will see an
epiphany occur among many of my
Republican friends.” But Warren
knows that the politics that got us
here won’t be the politics that save
us. The obstructive obstinacy of the
Republican Party, and the gutting of
the middle class, while distracting
voters with convenient scapegoats,
predates Trump. And it will outlast
him, if the republic manages to sur-
vive this presidency.
The 2020 election marks the 100th
year of women voting. Republicans,
who are in the midst of an unprece-
dented attack on women’s reproduc-
tive rights, will renominate a known
misogynist. Elizabeth Warren also
has the right plan for that. It looks
like nominating a woman, or two, for
the top of the Democratic ticket.



emocrats will be voting today in
14 states to choose a presiden-
tial nominee — and if you be-
lieve the polls, we may be heading for a
disaster. Not just for the party, but for
the United States of America.
We simply can’t afford to nominate
Sen. Bernie Sanders, an arrogant, fin-
ger-pointing socialist whose call for a
revolution is
a $60 trillion
I’m sup-
porting Mike
for president, and I urge you to do the
same. He, and he alone, can provide
the leadership we need to bring us to-
gether and end the toxic civil war that
is ripping our nation apart.
This was made abundantly clear in
last Tuesday’s South Carolina debate.
With only one exception, the Demo-
cratic candidates for president shout-
ed, bullied and blustered their way
through an embarrassing two hours.
Bloomberg — an accomplished
businessman who led New York City
as mayor for 12 years — was the only
person on that stage who had the guts
to speak the truth. When he was asked
a question, he responded to it directly,
unlike the other candidates who re-
verted to their original, canned talking
points and said little more.
There were four people on that
stage — Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden,
Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar
— who have collectively served more
than eight decades as U.S. elected offi-
cials, charting national policy. If they
believed that something is wrong with
America, why didn’t they get it done?
Given their failure to accomplish this,
why should we trust them now — as
opposed to a candidate like Mike who
saw problems in New York and found
ways to fix them?
My father had a saying that I often
repeat in my courtroom when it’s clear
that someone is trying to pull a fast
one: “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me
it’s raining.” That’s my reaction to
Sanders’ hectoring call for a socialist
revolution that will magically make all
our problems go away.
The New York Times said Mike
“may be remembered as one of the
greatest mayors in New York history.”
He spurred economic growth that led
to 400,000 new jobs. Under his leader-
ship, the number of New Yorkers with-
out health insurance fell nearly 40%.
He drove crime down to record lows,
pioneered ambitious public health ini-
tiatives and helped raise air quality to
the highest levels in 50 years.
America needs a leader who can re-
store the decency that made us the en-
vy of the world and get things moving
again. Mike Bloomberg is that man.
But the hour is late.
I want peace in this great nation of
ours — and so should you.


can end


civil war

Judy Sheindlin, of
the Emmy-winning
series “Judge Judy.”


o defeat President Donald
Trump, we need a candidate
who can win back places like
the Upper Midwest. Having been
born in Flint, Michigan, and having
represented the region in the House
and Senate as both a Republican and
a Democrat, I am confident Sen. Ber-
nie Sanders of Vermont is our strong-
est candi-
date to de-
feat Trump.
Polls show
Sanders is
strong nationally and in states like
Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsyl-
vania. That is because working fam-
ilies know Sanders is on their side.
For instance, take the curse of
NAFTA that has sent millions of U.S.
jobs offshore, shut down hundreds of
factories and strip-mined the living
standard of our displaced blue-collar
workers. Only Sanders had the judg-
ment to vote against the original
NAFTA and Trump’s new update.
Similarly, millions cannot afford
medical care and are working more
hours, often at two or three jobs, to
earn enough to support their fam-
ilies, as they struggle with school
debt and high housing costs.
In response, only Sanders is une-
quivocally pushing to expand Medi-
care to cover all. He has called for
higher wages and tax changes that
will reverse the massive tax cuts now
flowing to Trump’s wealthy friends.
And he has proposed to use this new
revenue to make college tuition free.
Sanders has pointed out that the
three richest families in America now
have more combined wealth than the
entire bottom 50% of Americans,
160 million people. It is Robin Hood
in reverse — the superrich accumu-
lating national wealth, draining the
lifeblood out of the working poor and
destabilizing America. That is why
Sanders is fighting to increase the
minimum wage to $15 an hour and to
expand Social Security benefits.
Working families also know Sand-
ers is on their side because his is the
only leading campaign to reject mon-
ey from billionaires and special inter-
ests. Instead, he is relying on contri-
butions from everyday people, which
means as president, he will answer to
the people, not wealthy donors.
Sanders has catalyzed the kind of
movement we will need to defeat
Trump. It is a grassroots uprising in
both urban and rural areas, among
people of all ages, races, ethnicities
and political affiliations.
This movement understands that
if Sanders is nominated and elected,
it will be a new day. With President
Sanders, the rule of law will be re-
established, and we will finally be on
a path to a future of economic, social,
racial and environmental justice.


fights for




o leader in history has inflicted
more intense, sustained
trauma on America’s values
and rule of law than Donald Trump.
That can finally change when Ameri-
cans vote on Nov. 3, but only if Demo-
crats unite behind the leader best
equipped to defeat Trump and secure
Democratic majorities in Congress.
We must em-
brace a candi-
date who can
stabilize our in-
stitutions, pro-
vide a positive
road map for the
future and soothe the nation’s trauma
after four years of Trump. That candi-
date is former Vice President Joe Bi-
den. It’s time for Democrats to co-
alesce behind Biden as our best hope
for turning the page on Trump’s horrif-
ic chapter in American history.
Choosing a single candidate to en-
dorse during this primary is difficult
for me. We benefited from a deep
bench of talent this year, and I think
the world of the other Democratic can-
didates. I consider many of them to be
close friends. Sens. Elizabeth Warren
and Bernie Sanders and Mayor Mike
Bloomberg are among the brightest
leaders our party, and country, have
ever had. My connection to Sanders
and Warren is deep — former staffers
of mine are leaders in both their cam-
paigns — and I have the utmost re-
spect and admiration for them and the
movements they’ve inspired. They
have reinvigorated our party and been
instrumental in illustrating the power
of our Democratic ideals.
Even so, with the stakes for this
election so high, I believe we need a
stabilizing, deeply experienced candi-
date to repair the tremendous damage
Trump has wrought on our country
and institutions. Our candidate must
appeal to the broadest coalition possi-
ble to unite the country, elect more
Democrats nationwide and lead Amer-
ica with a positive and inclusive alter-
native to the dark vision espoused by
Trump and his sycophantic allies in
Congress. I believe that Biden is the
candidate best positioned to win the
election and enact the progressive pol-
icies and ideas we all care about.
Biden represents the starkest-pos-
sible contrast to Trump, in nearly ev-
ery way. There is no one better to right
the wrongs of the past four years than
a man whose character, policy chops
and experience are matched only by
Trump’s corresponding weaknesses,
incompetence and unsuitability for
our highest office.
Trump represents the worst in
American politics. To defeat him, we
need a candidate who represents the
best of America. Joe Biden is the can-
didate who is best equipped to win and
best able to lead us past Trump’s dark
chapter in American history.



the best

of America

Harry Reid of
Nevada, former
Senate Demo-
cratic leader


is the best


for our times




cast your

vote for ...

Jason Sattler,
political analyst

Donald W. Riegle,
former U.S. senator
from Michigan
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