The Washington Post - 03.03.2020

(Barré) #1


election 2020

monday — and were persuading
others to do so, too.
on monday, a longtime obama
donor in Northern California
who had given to multiple candi-
dates during the primaries sent
emails urging party donors waf-
fling between Bloomberg and
Biden to coalesce around Biden.
And on Wall Street, Buttigieg
donors were calling one another
to say Biden was the best alterna-
tive, barring a Bloomberg upset
one longtime Democratic do-
nor in New York, who spoke on
the condition of anonymity to
describe private conversations,
said there were meetings sched-
uled with major Wall Street fi-
nanciers starting Sunday
through Wednesday, out of anxi-
ety about Buttigieg’s fourth-place
finish in South Carolina and con-
cern over his chances on Super
Klobuchar’s early exit means
that her home state of minnesota,
which has 75 delegates at stake in
its primary, is up for grabs Tues-
day. Sanders won the state when
it held caucuses in 2016 and had
closely trailed Klobuchar in re-
cent polls. He held a rally in
minneapolis on monday night.
Klobuchar’s decision came af-
ter she finished near the bottom
in the South Carolina primary
Saturday. The senator had briefly
surged in some polls after a
strong performance at the feb. 7
Democratic debate in man-
chester, N.H. Her campaign had
dubbed the boost “Klomentum”
and hoped it would catapult her
into the top tier of candidates
through the rest of the early-
nominating states.
Klobuchar finished in third
place in the New Hampshire pri-
mary, but a disappointing sixth
place in the Nevada caucuses and
in South Carolina. She had
planned an aggressive travel
schedule in advance of Super
Tuesday but dropped out before
she could execute it.
[email protected]

Annie Linskey, Dan Balz, Michael
scherer, cleve r. Wootson Jr.,
Michelle ye Hee Lee, Amy B Wang
and sean sullivan contributed to this

carried by momentum and en-
“The country is hungry — hun-
gry, hungry, hungry — to be
united. most Americans, they
don’t want a promise of a revolu-
tion, they want a guarantee of
results,” Biden said earlier in the
day during a campaign stop in
Houston. “... We need real re-
sults, and we need them now. I’ve
done that my whole career.”
on CBS on monday morning,
Biden said his surge in support
occurred in part because candi-
dates down the ballot are wary of
running with Sanders as the
Democratic standard-bearer.
“I think there’s an awful lot of
people who are running for office
who don’t want to run with Ber-
nie at the top of the ticket as a
self-proclaimed socialist,” he
The party’s donor class also
began to rally to Biden’s side.
A handful of key Democratic
donors who were raising big
checks for Buttigieg or consider-
ing publicly endorsing
Bloomberg said they were throw-
ing their support to Biden on

when he thought Biden’s ideas
were worthy of being put in a
Biden is hoping that the mo-
mentum from his romping South
Carolina win, and the party’s
efforts to consolidate behind
him, will be enough to offset his
campaign’s continuing deficien-
cies. He is spending the least on
ads, has one of the thinnest orga-
nizations and saw his candidacy
stall at a time when most other
campaigns were banking early
Biden hopes to win among
Southern states that more closely
mirror South Carolina, where he
won nearly 50 percent of the vote
Saturday, in part because of his
giant lead among African Ameri-
can voters.
His campaign has since re-
ceived a large fundraising boost,
with $5 million coming Saturday
and at least $5 million Sunday —
all told, more in two days than it
raised in all of January.
But the money came too late to
make a major advertising splash
in the Super Tuesday states, and
instead Biden was hoping to be

are septuagenarians.
In Tuesday’s primaries, 1,
delegates are up for grabs, nearly
a third of the total and the most of
any single day in the Democratic
race. California and Te xas are the
biggest prizes, but delegate-rich
states like Virginia, North Caroli-
na, massachusetts and Colorado
will also vote.
To p advisers to the campaigns
agree that Sanders is poised to
win a big delegate haul, and the
main question is whether it will
set him on an insurmountable
course toward the nomination.
“A fter watching this campaign
unfold, after watching 10 de-
bates, there’s no way you can
rationally believe that Joe Biden
is strongest candidate to defeat
Donald Trump,” said Ari rabin-
Havt, a deputy campaign manag-
er for Sanders.
Shortly after reid announced
his endorsement of Biden, faiz
Shakir, who is Sanders’s cam-
paign manager but also worked
for reid, wrote on Twitter: “Dis-
appointing. I’ll forever have re-
spect and love for Senator reid.
But I’m old enough to remember

Warren’s current plan is to
remain an active candidate all
the way to the convention, even if
she is not accumulating signifi-
cant numbers of delegates. She
says that will give her some lever-
age over the party’s platform and
any other issues that might be at
the forefront in milwaukee.
She continued her refrain
monday that her operation is
built “for the long haul,” and she
received an endorsement from
Emily’s List, which works to elect
women in politics.
The super PAC supporting her
candidacy is raising money for a
big TV ad buy in states like
Arizona, florida, Illinois and
ohio, which vote march 17, ac-
cording to a person familiar with
Persist PAC’s operations who was
not authorized to openly discuss
the group’s strategy and spoke on
the condition of anonymity.
Sanders remains perhaps the
most formidable force in the race,
finishing in the top two in all four
early states and holding on to a
polling advantage in numerous
delegate-rich states that will vote
Tuesday. He also has a significant
financial edge and a grass-roots
army that Biden so far has lacked,
and he was defiant monday in the
face of the moderate consolida-
“Look, we are taking on the
establishment. And I fully under-
stand — n o great surprise to me —
that establishment politicians
are not going to endorse us,”
Sanders told reporters in Salt
Lake City, just minutes before the
news broke that Klobuchar was
ending her campaign and plan-
ning to support Biden.
“The establishment will rally
around the establishment candi-
date,” he said. “That’s the simple
President Trump, who has re-
peatedly tried to offer sideline
commentary about the Demo-
cratic contest, tweeted with glee:
“They are staging a coup against
What began a year ago as a
historically large and diverse
Democratic field has quickly nar-
rowed to five remaining contend-
ers. With the two youngest major
candidates dropping out, all of
the remaining major candidates

“I cannot think of a better way to
end my campaign than joining
Beto o’rourke, the former Te x-
as congressman who ended his
presidential bid in November,
joined Biden on stage at the end
of the Dallas rally — and conclud-
ed a speech by inviting him for
dinner at a nearby Whataburger.
Biden seemed taken aback by
the swift change in fortunes. He
told Buttigieg that he reminded
him of his late son, Beau, the
highest compliment he can offer.
He told the crowd Klobuchar has
a long political future ahead, and
he told o’rourke, whose candida-
cy was marked by liberal posi-
tions on gun control, “You’re go-
ing to take care of the gun prob-
lem with me. You’re going to be
the one who leads this effort.”
It was the second straight day
that moderates, previously para-
lyzed over whom to r ally behind,
rushed to join Biden’s campaign.
Harry m. reid, a former Senate
majority leader from Nevada, en-
dorsed Biden along with other
Democrats including Susan E.
rice, a former national security
adviser to President Barack
obama; political activist and ac-
tress Alyssa milano; Victoria reg-
gie Kennedy, the widow of Sen.
Edward m. Kennedy (D-mass.);
and Sen. Ta mmy Duckworth (D-
There are still looming ques-
tions about Biden — h is propensi-
ty for gaffes, the moments when
he searches for words or, on
monday, his struggle to come up
with well-worn phrases in the
Declaration of Independence be-
fore shouting, “You know... the
thing!” — but his campaign has
found unmistakable new mo-
mentum that it is hoping to carry
into the elections Tuesday.
Not everyone was playing to
his benefit, however. Sen. Eliza-
beth Warren (D-mass.) and for-
mer New York mayor mike
Bloomberg both pledged monday
to stay in the race.
“I’m in it to win it,” Bloomberg
said. He has poured hundreds of
millions of dollars into the prima-
ry contest and will appear on
ballots for the first time Tuesday.

camPaIgn from a

Klobuchar drops out, joins other Democratic moderates in endorsing Biden

erIc tHAyer/reUters
Sen. amy Klobuchar (D-minn.) endorses former vice president Joe Biden at a rally in Dallas. The
senator ended her own presidential bid after sixth-place finishes in nevada and South carolina.

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