major brand, used actual women (and not models) in bra advertising, and was the first brand to advertise a tampon
on TV. The aim of the new UK campaign was to reposition Playtex as the lingerie label for British women in their
50s, which is an admirably tight target, considering that so many brands go for too wide demographic targets and,
consequently, fall short. In line with the new positioning, Playtex has moved away from using a 20-something
model, and is now using a 42 year old mother of three, who embodies the values of the brand to appeal to women
who are young at heart but coping with their changing body shape. While Playtex is still the brand of the Playtex18
Hour® Bra and Playtex Cross Your Heart® Bra, it is also the brand of the Playtex Diaper Genie and Playtex® Sport®
Tampons. So the biggest challenge facing Playtex is the fragmentation of the brand itself.^71 , 72
Source : Rex Features: Crollalanza.
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