Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1


Once the target group of the marketing communications plan is well defi ned, it is crucial to
the planning process to set the main communications objectives. Th ese goals will determine
the choice of the right communications and media mix and will consequently infl uence mes-
sage and strategy development, budgeting and eff ectiveness research issues. Communications
goals will always have to fi t in with the marketing objectives such as market share, estimated
return fi gures or market penetration (the number of people or percentage of the target group
buying the product) goals. Th ese marketing objectives, in turn, are formulated to contribute
to the overall company goals, such as making profi ts, providing earnings for shareholders, etc.
Formulating marketing communications objectives is also important in judging the eff ective-
ness of a campaign. Th e question of whether an advertising campaign, promotional action or
whatever other communications plan has been ‘good’ or ‘eff ective’ depends on the goals that
were defi ned for that specifi c campaign. It is therefore impossible to judge campaigns or
individual communications executions without a thorough knowledge of the objectives.
Diff erent categories and types of objectives can be distinguished. Furthermore, the product
life cycle stage and the consumer’s choice situation will also infl uence the marketing com-
munications objectives.

Marketing communications objectives

Marketing communications objectives can be broadly divided into three categories: reach
goals , process goals a n d effectiveness goals ( Figure 5.1 ). Th e reach goal of communicating is to
reach the target groups in an eff ective and effi cient way. For this purpose a good segmentation
and audience defi nition are needed, as well as insights into the media behaviour of the
desired segments. Part of this problem was discussed earlier on target groups; the detailed
considerations of media planning will be the subject of a later chapter ( Chapter 8 ). Process
goals are conditions which should be established before any communications can be eff ective.
All communications should capture the attention of the target group, then appeal or be
appreciated, and last but not least be processed (and remembered). Th e third type of
communications goals are the eff ectiveness goals. Th ey are, of course, the most important
ones, since reach goals only assure suffi cient exposure, and process goals only ensure enough
processing of the message to make the eff ectiveness goals possible.
Evidently, long-term sales and market share growth are the ultimate objectives of most
marketing communications campaigns. However, sales are infl uenced by other marketing mix
instruments, such as product quality, design, benefi ts, packaging, distribution and pricing
strategies, as well as the market evolution, technology and innovations, and of course competitive

Figure 5.1 Categories of communications objectives

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