Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1

it become.^78 In other words, functional products such as underwear, bath foam, shower
cream, etc., and romantic products such as perfume, aft ershave, alcohol, cosmetics, etc., are
expected to benefi t more from an erotic appeal than other product categories such as coff ee,
a lawnmower, a lathe, etc. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a study in which the eff ectiveness
of eroticism for social marketing topics (as diverse as eating healthily, public library and
museum attendance, HIV/AIDS prevention, etc.) was tested showed that sexual appeals were
more persuasive than matched non-sexual appeals.^79 So for this variable research results are
also inconclusive.
Which target group can most eff ectively be addressed with an erotic appeal? One study
shows that erotic appeals lead to better memory and superior attitudes and purchase intent

Photo 7.4 Using erotic appeal for underwear
Source : The Advertising Archives.

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