Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1

Campaign implementation

Aft er advertising agencies have come up with creative and executional ideas, the advertiser
has to evaluate the diff erent alternatives on the basis of the creative brief. Th is means that the
idea ultimately chosen needs to be suitable for and appealing to the target group, be capable
of reaching the advertising objectives, and be a kind of catalyst, making the brand’s position
immediately clear in a simple, eye-catching manner. Th e idea must also fi t with the company’s
and the brand’s long-term strategy and with previous campaigns. It has to be adaptable to the
diff erent media to be used, and fi nancially implementable within the given advertising budget
and within the given time limits.
When agreement is reached on the creative idea to be used for the diff erent media, the ads
need to be produced. Since ad production needs special skills, this job is typically carried out
by technical experts. Photography, typography and sound recording need to be well thought
through, so that headline, baseline, copy, background music, packshots, presenters, charac-
ters, the set, etc., form an integrated and consistent ad. As soon as the advertiser approves of
the ad proposal, the ads are produced and handed over to the media.
Aft er the campaign has run, it has to be evaluated for its eff ectiveness. In order to do this,
it is very important to have clear, measurable objectives at the beginning of the campaign
development process, as well as accurate data of the situation prior to the campaign launch.
Th e important aspect of media planning is discussed later (see Chapter 8 ), as is advertising
research (see Chapter 9 ).

Advertising agencies often make long commercials that are then cut back to the traditional 30-second format
shown on TV. However, many advertising professionals feel that they would be able to bring a more convincing
message if they were allowed to expose their target groups to these longer commercials. A movie theatre is the
ideal medium to show long commercials. Screenvision, the company that sells advertising space in Belgian movie
theatres, worked together with the advertising agency Markee to build a website on which advertising agencies
could place the long versions of their commercials. The public could vote for the best commercial. The ten highest-
scoring commercials end up in a short list, and a professional jury picks a winner. The winning commercial is then
shown in Belgian cinemas for free during one month. During the contest, every advertiser can show two-minute
commercials for the price of a 30-second one in all Belgian cinemas.^126

Saving XL commercials

Advertising in a business-to-business context

Traditionally, business-to-business advertising has been described as ‘heavy, ponderous, deadly
serious and boring’.^127 Th is qualifi cation can be attributed to the specifi c characteristics of the
business environment, i.e. the importance of technical aspects of products and services, the
importance of the products for the economic performance of the buyer and the complex
decision-making units. Business ads, for that reason, tend to be more factual and rational,
and tend to emphasise the company name rather than its products, because customers are
also buying reliability, aft er-sales service and technical support; in other words, a relationship
with a trustworthy partner.

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