Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1

On the other hand, there are a number of reasons why business advertising should not
be so diff erent from consumer advertising. Aft er all, the human element is present in both
situations, and some of the functions of advertising are common to both markets. As to the
second factor, in business-to-business communications, advertising is used to create aware-
ness and interest, and to build preference or reinforce the attitude aft er the customer has
purchased the product. As far as the fi rst factor is concerned, people are not all that diff erent
on and off the job, and are always subject to emotions, values and even biases. Some studies
even suggest that once basic performance criteria are met, business decisions are largely
based on psychological factors, such as earlier experience with a vendor, vendor credibility,
experience, fl exibility and reliability to serve customers in the future, and vendor commit-
ment to a particular technology.

In recent years, the consultancy industry has witnessed important mergers and acquisitions, accompanied by
renaming and rebranding of the companies involved. Rebranding and repositioning tasks are always accompanied
by major communication campaigns in which a variety of tools can be used. This is illustrated by the story of PWC.
In 1999, a number of companies merged into PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC). The merger was accompanied by
a creative advertising campaign intended to build brand awareness and brand image among its high-profile busi-
ness customers worldwide. The 2001 ‘PWC Corporate Finance and Recovery’ campaign in the European business
press was shortlisted as Best Business Press Campaign for the prestigious European Media and Marketing Awards.
The company supplements its advertising efforts by sponsoring various initiatives, such as the Fast Track 100 and
Profit Track league tables, which identify the fastest-growing and most profitable UK companies. PWC also pro-
duces reports and survey results that are of interest to the boardrooms of its clients, and is strongly involved in the
World Economic Forum at Davos and the European Business Forum. PWC’s website is used to promote stakeholder
dialogue and supports the company’s extensive community programme, such as sponsorship of the Web-based
Maths Enhancement Programme with the University of Exeter. PWC also places a lot of importance on internal
marketing to inform and motivate its 20 000 employees.^128

Advertising business-to-business consultancy services: PWC

All in all, studies show that the content and format of business ads are signifi cantly diff erent
from consumer ads in a number of ways. Th e most striking diff erences seem to be that fewer
people are depicted in business ads, the proportion of advertising space devoted to copy tends
to be greater in business advertising, product characteristics are more frequently mentioned and
psychological – as opposed to functional – appeals are seldom used in business advertising.^129
What are the dimensions of an eff ective business-to-business ad? Research shows that a
successful business ad should score on four dimensions: characteristics of the ad, the reader’s
feelings about his or her relationship with the ad, the selling proposition and the company’s
orientation or visibility. To score positively on each of the dimensions, business ads should
clearly use a rational approach. Th e ad should explain the product and the benefi ts of the
product, its quality and performance. Th e information should be presented in a logical order.
On the one hand, the size of the text should be closely monitored. Too much text and too
much information decrease ad eff ectiveness. On the other hand, the use of illustrations and
pictures, as long as they are relevant to the target group, enhances ad eff ectiveness. Including
too many people in the ad reduces its impact and, when people are shown, the target group
should be able to identify with them. All in all, business ads diff er and should diff er from
consumer ads, but there is no reason to assume that business ads should be dull, and packed
with text and information overload.^130

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