CASE 7 243
Table 7.9 Brand image of Biotherm in Spain
Strengths Weaknesses
z Image/value z Eau Naturelle Bienfaisante (more sea-water) at the heart
of life → Freshness, Cleanliness, Health, Physical and
psychological effects Research: confidence, scientific
z What about origins – of the
water – of the brand?
z Product offer z Simple and serious offering
z Enhancement of Make-up offer
z ‘Mission’ for hydration + refreshing, regenerating and
relaxing actions
z Good value for money
z Lack of substance (Well-being,
z A d s z Attractive colour (Celluli-choc, Hair Resource)
z Central role of regenerating water
z Agua! Too much water, pale, lack of
z Target z Woman aged 30–40, natural, spontaneous, sporty
Bohemian (20–30) and non-conformist (ut.Clinique)
z Women are too smooth, disincarnate,
not convivial enough, lack seduction
z Lack of assertion
Table 7.10 Brand image of Biotherm in France
Strengths Weaknesses
z Image/value z Natural, simplicity, freshness, dynamism, healthy z Lack of seduction, feminity, sensuality
z Product offer z Strong water, tonifying, hydrating, freshness, relaxing
z Natural ingredients
z Lack of status for younger
z Too pharmaceutical
z A d s z More selective; more modern z Lack of dream
z Lack of sensoriality
z Target z More young people: 25–35 z Not fashion
for younger consumers, and the product has too ‘phar-
maceutical’ a feel. Consumers in all three countries agree
that the advertisements for Biotherm lack life, emotion,
dynamism, dream and sensoriality.
Men and body care
In a 2003 study, Publicis investigated which taboos had
disappeared from the masculine mind the years before, and
what significant new behavioural patterns appeared to have
emerged; in other words, what were the new ways in which
men could be addressed? Four key points of communication
were identified. They are summarised in Figure 7.9. Almost
half of the men today like the idea of having a masculine
and feminine side, especially young men. The result is a
‘blurring’ of behaviour: muscles and health, but also youth,
perfection and facial beauty are important. There is a growing
trend among men to care for their appearance and to care
about themselves. Skin care is considered to be at the
crossroads of physical hygiene and the desire to seduce.
Being authentic, good-looking and seductive is increasingly
important. A large proportion of men want to have more
free time to take care of themselves. And sport, along with
gay culture, is one of the main points of attention of the
New Man. But the ‘eternal man’ remains eternal. Values
such as being in control, strong, ambitious, forceful, and full
of authority are still positively valued, and preferred to a
man who is passive, hesitating and lost in dreams.
Biotherm Homme
The skin and skin treatment of men and women are funda-
mentally different in a number of ways. Men have between
6000 and 25 000 facial hairs, much more than women.
Typically, men spend 3000 hours of their lives shav ing (i.e.
140 days). A man’s skin is more oily and more susceptible
to acne, and is 16% to 20% thicker than a woman’s skin,
and therefore less fragile. On the other hand, a man’s skin
tends to age more rapidly, and wrinkles appear more quickly.
Therefore, there is a need for a skin care product especially
designed for men. Additionally, the aforementioned evolu-
tion in men’s attitude towards body care signals a market
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