a masked identifi cation test of a billboard ad for a new car is shown, together with the results
of a number of categories of control ads.
A second type of communications eff ect measurement is the recall test. In an unaided
recall test, consumers have to indicate which ads they remember having seen, in a specifi c
magazine, on TV or on billboards. In an aided recall test, the consumer’s memory is helped
by means of clues such as: What car ads did you see on TV yesterday? As such, the masked
identifi cation test can be regarded as an aided recall test. Unaided recall scores are usually
lower than aided recall scores, which in turn are lower than recognition scores. Th erefore
they cannot be compared.
A well-known recall test is the Gallup–Robinson Impact test for print ads. Firstly, the
respondents have to read a magazine at home. Th e following day, the respondents are called
and asked to recall as many ads as they can. Aft er that, a number of questions about the
content of the ads are asked. Th e Gallup–Robinson procedure leads to three indicators of
advertising eff ectiveness:^13
z Proved name registration : the percentage of subjects who remember an ad without having
seen it during the test.
z Idea penetration : the extent to which subjects have understood the main idea in the ad.
z Conviction : the percentage of subjects who want to buy or use the product.
Another well-known recall test, used for audio-visual ads, is the Day After Recall (DAR)
test. In this telephone interview procedure, a number of consumers are called. Th ey are asked
to indicate which ads they saw on TV or heard on the radio the day before, within a certain
product category. In the second stage, brand names are mentioned, and the respondent has
to indicate if he or she remembers having seen or heard an ad for the brand. Additionally, a
number of questions about the ad content are asked. Th e resulting percentages of correct
recall are always compared with some kind of benchmark, such as all commercials within the
same product category or all commercials of the day before. In the triple association test, a
product category and a selling proposition are given, and the respondent has to indicate a
brand name, e.g. ‘What brand of petrol puts a tiger in your tank?’
Finally, the eff ect of an ad can be tested by means of behavioural measures. Especially
in the case of direct response ads, the number of people calling a free telephone number
announced in the ad, sending back a coupon or actually buying the product can be
considered a measure of the eff ectiveness of the ad.
Figure 9.6 Masked identification test
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