such as shelf displays, fl oor graphics, trolley advertising, moving displays and interactive
kiosks. Besides these specifi c communications instruments, store atmospherics are also
important. Most POP communications appear to be eff ective.
Brand activation by means of creating brand experiences is an especially powerful com-
mu nications tools. Besides stimulating sales, objectives like attention tracking, stimulating
brand com prehension and brand image, and creating strong relationships can be pursued.
Brand experiences try to bring the brand alive by tapping into one or more of the following
experiential dimensions: sense, feel/relate, think and act. Creating a holistic, interactive
experience that is built on the brand’s values and is smoothly integrated with other
communications tools is key.
Review questions
- Why is brand activation becoming increasingly important?
- What are the objectives and target groups of sales promotions?
- Discuss the various tools of consumer promotions, their objectives, their advantages and
disadvantages for both the manufacturer and the retailer. - To what extent are sales promotions effective in the short and the long run?
- What are the tools and objectives of point-of-purchase communications?
- How effective are the various point-of-purchase tools?
- What are the objectives of experiential marketing programmes?
- Discuss the different experiential dimensions that marketers should try to activate to
create a strong brand experience. - How can you explain the effectiveness of brand experiences?
Further reading
Hultén, B., Broweus, N. and van Dijk, M. (2009), Sensory Marketing. London: Palgrave
Lindstrom, M. and Kotler, P. (2010), Brand Sense: Sensory Secrets Behind the Stuff We B u y.
New York: Free Press.
Mullin, R. (2010), Sales Promotion: How to Create, Implement and Integrate Campaigns that
Really Work. London: Kogan Page.
Stahlberg, M. and Ville, M. (2012), Shopper Marketing: How to Increase Purchase Decisions at
the Point of Sale? London: Kogan Page.
Shopper marketing: http://shoppermarketing.com/home/.
Journal of Promotion Management , http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wjpm20/current.
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