with the brand: ‘Do you know a tasty recipe?’, ‘Could you
come up with a catchy name for our new biscuit?’, ‘Lotus is
interested in your opinion!’ Lotus stimulates interactions
not only between the company and its customers, but also
among its customers. By being so close to its customers,
Lotus Bakeries is able to create additional brand value.
Results of the new (e-)CRM approach
Could Lotus Bakeries meet its objectives with the new direct
marketing and CRM approach? Let us take a look at each of
the objectives separately.
- Link the brand with the communications campaign. Due
to the relevant content of the CRM programme, the link
between the brand and its campaign has become stronger.
This is clearly illustrated by the results of a study invest-
igating to what extent consumers recall having received
a mailing from Lotus Bakeries and to what extent con-
sumers recall the content of the mailing. Specifically, more
than 90% of the consumers recall having received a Lotus
mailing and more than 80% (this number quadrupled
since the null measure) know what the mailing was about.
2. Stimulate cross-selling. The recurring coupons at each
contact – whether by means of the classic direct mailing
or by e-mail – focus each time on another product and
helps the consumer to become acquainted with the full
Lotus Bakeries’ assortment. In two years, the average
redemption rate has almost doubled. However, cross-
selling is only possible if as many families as possible use
the coupons. With the new direct marketing approach,
Lotus Bakeries has managed to get five times more
families to redeem a trial coupon.
3. Identify and involve important customers in the CRM plat-
form. The company has succeeded in a very short time
in registering more than 100 000 consumers in the
new database. For all these consumers, Lotus Bakeries
now has the e-mail as well as the postal addresses.
4. Qualify Lotus consumers with a strong brand relationship.
Lotus Bakeries offers a qualification questionnaire to
the customers in its database. As the company offers
neither an incentive nor a punishment to fill out the
questionnaire, it can be assumed that only consumers
with a strong brand relationship are willing to invest
time in this. Subsequently, more than 40% of the active
Photo 13.2 The LotusFriends CRM website
Source: Lotus Bakeries.
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