Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1

In business-to-business markets, trade shows represent a large part of the marketing
spending. According to a CEIR survey in February 2012, B2B exhibitions received an average
of 39.2% of respondents’ marketing dollars in 2011, with those allocating on average 64% of
their budgets to this channel. Th e survey required marketers to have participated in at least
one B2B exhibition in the past two years.^8

Objectives and target groups

A company should fi rst focus on the objectives it wants to achieve by participating in an
exhibition or trade fair. Exhibition goals vis-à-vis the overall communications and marketing
objectives should be formulated, oft en integrating specifi c goals of sales and marketing
departments. Figure 14.1 , displays a number of objectives which may positively infl uence the
decision to participate in exhibitions and trade fairs.^9
Selling products is especially important for companies in markets in which an important
proportion of the annual sales is done in trade fairs. Examples are cars, clothing and china-
ware. Trade fairs and exhibitions are important to make the fi rst contacts with prospects and
to generate leads that could eventually lead to sales. On the other hand, they are also meeting
places where clients are met and contacts are reinforced. Moreover, the public of exhibitions
are highly selective since they would not come to the fair if they were not interested in the
exhibited products or services. A research report from the CEIR says it costs 56% less to close
a lead generated at an exhibition than a lead generated in-fi eld ($625 versus $1117). Booths
at exhibitions lead to hundreds or thousands of face-to-face interactions with highly targeted
individuals.^10 Launching and/or testing a new product can be another important objective
of trade fair participation. Visitors and other participants of exhibitions learn about new
products. A company can use trade fairs as a ‘test market’ for new products by observing
visitor interest, reactions and intentions to buy certain innovations.^11 Possible improvements

Figure 14.1 Marketing communications objectives and trade fair participation

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