also asked for their address. The cheques were an instru-
ment to measure the number of people who came to their
stand. It also allowed the company to set up a database of
potential prospects, with whom they could communicate
all year long. But the cheques were more than that. They
were also an instrument for scheduling production. Based
on the questions and answers about brick preferences, the
marketing department at the fair could tell the production
division which bricks had the most success, and thus which
bricks should be produced more. These are techniques that
do not cost a company a lot, but they are very valuable
because they enable the company to obtain the addresses
of potential future clients.
- Give a short description of Batibouw, and the market
and competitive situation it operates in.
2. Which fairs in the building industry could pose a new
challenge for FISA and why?
3. What would be other good ideas, besides the Batibouw
building lunches, the ‘Red Turtle Art’ and the awards, to
create a stronger link between Batibouw and its visitors?
4. How does Batibouw assist exhibitors to make their fair
participation more effective? What do you think of
these efforts? Try to come up with other activities or
techniques to help exhibitors.
5. How do exhibitors measure the effectiveness of their
participation? What do you think of the way they do it?
Try to come up with other measurement techniques.
6. A brick exhibitor gave cheques for €100 to stand visitors
who promised to buy bricks from the company in the follow-
ing year. What are the three functions of this promotion
campaign? Think of other CRM actions for different building
companies that should have similar effects.
Sources : Kirchgeorg, M., Dornscheidt, W.M., Giese, W. and Stoeck, N. (2005), Trade Show Management. Wiesbaden: Gabler; Geert Maes, CEO FISA;
http://www.batibouw.com June 2009; http://www.beurskalender.be June 2009; http://www.casius.be June 2009; http://www.exhibitions.be June 2009.
This case was prepared with the collaboration of Lien Standaert.
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