Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1

Brand websites
Brand websites are sites with specifi c brand-related information and/or services. A brand
site can be used to communicate with the target groups and also as a platform that enables
interaction with, or between, customers or the collection of individual customer data, for
instance by letting them subscribe to receive e-newsletters. Coca-Cola encourages site visitors
to register and leave their personal data in exchange for ‘goodies’ like games, downloads
(screensavers) etc. On the one hand, evidence has been found for the brand attitude-forming
capabilities of a brand website that delivers information and applications that reinforce the
positioning of the brand.

Early in 2009, O’Neill launched a new global website, providing visitors with fast and super-easy access to the
world of O’Neill, and featuring the latest in functionality and design. The site stands out from the crowd by featur-
ing large-format, mind-blowing imagery. Along with a show case of the latest O’Neill’s collections, international
events and team riders, the site also provides direct access to O’Neill TV. Another new feature is the separate
dedicated areas for men and women. From the first click, the visitor has to decide whether he or she wants to
discover the male or female version. Each site has its own unique design and content. The site showcases all
the latest team-rider news and blogs, as well as new collections and trends, but with a different look and feel.
There is also a ‘heritage’ section, giving information on Jack O’Neill – the man who founded O’Neill back in 1952
and who is responsible for some of the industry’s most groundbreaking inventions and innovations, including the
In 2012, O’Neill celebrated its 60th anniversary. The site is still using the gender split approach, featuring access
to O’Neill’s social media pages, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Over 90 000 fans like the O’Neill girls’
Facebook page, whereas the male page has more than 350 000 fans; 2324 people are following the Twitter O’Neill
girls’ account versus 14 000 followers for the general O’Neill account. O’Neill has 2212 subscribers on its YouTube
channel and 1.7 million views.^11

O’Neill’s state-of-the-art website

Brand websites are also essential for eff ectively sustaining or increasing the loyalty of
user groups. A brand website is necessary for ‘maintenance communication’ all year round,
24 hours a day, with loyal customers and brand-lovers. If heavy users of a brand bond
with the brand and the company, they will also expect to fi nd more product information
on the Internet and might even want to contact the people behind their favourite product.
However, merely having a website is, in most cases, a waste of budget since only the lead-
ing brands supposedly benefi t from spontaneous traffi c towards their brand sites. Brands
with a moderate or low unaided brand awareness are likely to be disillusioned by the reach
of their website. Hence, websites need continuous traffi c-generating eff orts. Successful
traffi c generators are online advertising, search engine optimisation and including the URL
on corporate media (stationery such as business cards, letter headings and brochures), on
packaging and in offl ine advertising. Th e way a site is marketed has a substantial impact
on the types of customers it attracts. Loyal customers are attracted by referrals, whereas
promotional discounts and general untargeted banner advertising attract ‘butterfl ies’.^12

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