A brand site does not have to be hosted continuously but can be used for a short period
during a product launch. Th ese temporary sites are also called micro-sites. Th e growing com-
plexity of corporate sites and the limitations of banner advertising have induced advertisers to
develop this new way of providing richer online experiences with more complex messages
(than traditional media). A micro-site is a small website that exists for a specifi c purpose,
and oft en does not contain more than fi ve or six pages. Companies oft en buy a specifi c URL
related to the launch or promotion of a new product or service and then use the micro-site
to enhance brand experience and to create brand/product excitement without revamping the
existing website. It is a good way to isolate a user and maintain his or her attention to one
product or a specifi c range of products. Th is is exactly what the Belgian band Absyn the
Minded did when they created http://www.most exclusivevideoever.com. On this micro-site the
video clip of their new song ‘Space’ was only displayed each time a music station actually
played their song. Th e video was exclusively available on this site, not on TV, nor via YouTube
or any other music site.^14
Retailers frequently use micro-sites to highlight certain goods out of their massive assortment.
Because of the many possibilities of adding content, audio, video and interaction, micro-sites
have many advantages over banners and other standardised ad formats. But, just like a standard
brand or company site, micro-sites need promotion to be found and noticed by the target
group. Micro-site-based campaigns have a limited shelf life that is comparable with any other
advertising campaign. For companies selling low-interest or impulse-buy products, such as
insurance companies or fast-moving consumer packaged goods such as soft drinks and candy
bars, micro-sites are an interesting alternative to large and expensive websites that oft en
demand enormous eff orts to generate traffi c to them. Direct and/or mass marketing can drive
an audience directly to the specifi c URL, so that the pertinent information is only a few clicks
away, ideal for search engine optimisation. Besides being easy to remember, a specifi c URL
can help increase a brand’s micro-site’s presence in organic search engine results, driving
more traffi c and elevating perceived expertise.
Instead of releasing their fourth CD in the traditional way, the British band Kaiser Chiefs posted the 20 songs on
their new album ‘ The future is medieval’ on a dedicated Internet site. For €8.50 fans could download a selection of
ten songs in their own preferred order, along with a cover. In that way, more than 600 000 versions of a ten song
album could be composed. Further, you could put your version up for sale, and earn £1 per unit sold.
The band claim that they ‘wanted to do something new’. They acknowledged that the Internet is the future of
music distribution. The unique selling idea is that fans can also earn some money on the release of the new album.
Nevertheless, the whole idea is controversial. Traditionally, all songs on a new album are combined in a certain order
on a fixed medium (a CD) that, together with the artwork, reflect an artistic project and vision. This concept is lost
in the online project.
The team had to develop new website technology to accommodate the new business model. PayPal assisted in
organising the payment flows, to learn more about this new model. Universal, the distributor of the Kaiser Chief
albums, was enthusiastic because of the huge free publicity that the project generated. The money that went into
developing the technology was easily earned back because marketing costs were drastically cut. As expected, the
initiative drew so much media attention that any extra promotion efforts were not needed.
In spite of the success of the initiative, in mid-2011 the album was also released on a traditional CD, although the
band acknowledged that this was done ‘for old times’ sake’. However, young people do not associate music with
disks. Today music is something that is available on the Internet and that you listen to on your iPod.^13
Kaiser Chiefs release more than 600 000 versions of their new album
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