Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1
CASE 1 35

The impact of the campaign is illustrated by the follow-
ing quotes from the Sandwich locals:

z ‘It’s something they will remember for the rest of their
lives’ (Veronica Gomez, Headmistress, Sandwich Sixth
Form Technical College);
z ‘ Thanks for making my little town of Sandwich more
exciting!! I had a fab week meeting all the celebs
especially bumping into JLS on my lunch break :) come
back again soon x’ (carolinerose99, Walkers Sandwich
YouTube channel);
z ‘We couldn’t believe it when Frank [Lampard] came over
and pulled his hood down... There was quite a lot of
pressure for the goalie in that game!’ (Daniel Langiano,
Sandwich Tech Football Team);
z ‘I didn’t know what to do up there, so I just hugged them
and started singing with them... They all kissed me on
the cheek. Afterwards I texted everyone to tell them!’
(Stephanie, Sandwich Tech student).

Also journalists were impressed:

z Jason Richards, VP of Sales, PepsiCo UK said: ‘ The unique
and exciting nature of the campaign really captured
the imagination of our sales teams and our customers,
leading to fantastic execution of Walkers meal deals
across multiple channels’;
z ‘Sandwich was such a brilliant idea. At one point I feared
for my life as a small group of girls suddenly grew into a
mob as word got out that the hottest boys in pop were
actually in the sleepy town!’ ( Now Magazine );

The results of the campaign were impressive:

z 350 pieces of coverage across press, TV and online;
z £3.3 million advertising equivalent value generated.
z 10 000 new meal deals activated (PepsiCo) as illustrated
by the following table:

Tesco Addition of permanent stackers at front of store
JS Meal deals back on at front of store
Co-op Walkers replaces McCoys in meal deal
ASDA Box at front of store
Morrisons Walkers launches meal deals
Impulse Meal deals secured with strong POS support

The campaign helped build the sense that Walkers is a
modern, innovative brand:
z Walkers’ highest ever result for ‘would talk about with
friends’ (Millward Brown post-test, 50% vs the UK
norm of 29%);
z won a Gold ‘Direct Lion’ and Silver ‘Promo & Activation
Lion’ at Cannes.
It landed its message and built the saliency of the favourable
link between sandwiches and Walkers:
z ‘Makes my sandwich more enjoyable’ +18pts (Millward
Brown tracking).
It helped Walkers to grow its revenue from the ‘singles’
segment by 26%, beating the target of 15%. But even more
telling was the increase in singles-segment value share,
which went up by 6%, against a background of overall seg-
ment decline in 2009.


  1. Describe and assess the problem identification of Walkers
    and AMVBBDO, and the solution they propose in
    terms of objectives, target groups and creative ideas.

  2. Describe the main components of the campaign. Was
    the campaign well integrated, consistent and synergetic?
    Could other instruments have been used, or the same
    instruments in a different way? Which ones and how?

  3. Explore the various campaign results. Do you think the
    campaign was successful?

  4. Suppose you were responsible for a follow-up campaign.
    What changes would you make compared with the
    previous campaign and why?

Sources : Marketing Society Awards for Excellence 2011, category M: 360° Marketing, Client: PepsiCo, Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, Authors: George
Roberts and Tom White (AMV), Adam Warner (PepsiCo), Guy Geerts, Darwin BBDO Belgium.

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