Marketing Communications

(Ron) #1


Ability (MAO factor) : the resources needed to achieve a
particular goal.
Achievement indicators of public relations effectiveness :
measure the extent to which a pre-specified objective has
been met with a public of interest. Examples include the share
of the target audience that has been reached, changes in
awareness and knowledge, changes in opinions and attitudes,
evolution of the image and goodwill of the company, and the
extent to which behaviour has changed.
Action advertising : tries to stimulate consumers to buy a
product immediately.
Action communications : seek to influence the buying
behaviour of target groups and to persuade the consumer
to purchase the product. The primary goal is to stimulate
Action costing budgeting : a budgeting method in which a
programme or activity is planned, and the cost to carry it
out is calculated.
Activation measures : measure the extent to which people
actively react to advertising by, for instance, looking up further
information, talking to friends (buzz) and going to a store.
Addressable media : media by means of which it is possible to
communicate individually with each customer or prospect.
Advergames : a rich media type of brand-related online
entertainment used as a tool for brand interaction and
experience. Advergames use interactive game technology to
deliver embedded messages to consumers. The advertising
message can then become an integral part of playing the
Advertising : any paid, non-personal communication
through various media by an identified company,
non-profit organisation or individual.
Advertising clutter : the percentage of a medium vehicle that
is advertising.
Advertising/performance allowances : monetary incentives
aimed at encouraging the retailer to advertise the
manufacturer’s brand and provided when proof of the ad is
Advertorials : informative ads with an editorial approach but
also a clearly identified advertiser.
Affect-as-Information model : a model that posits that
consumers may use feelings as a source of information to
form an overall evaluation of a product or brand, not by
means of a simple association, but through a controlled
inferential process or, in other words, in an informed,
deliberate manner.

Affiliate marketing or affiliate networking : performance-
based marketing technique on the Internet in which a
business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor
brought about by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.
Affordability budgeting method : ‘leftover’ resources, after all
input costs (i.e. human resources, operational and financial
costs) are invested in communications.
Aided brand awareness : the percentage of people that
indicate a brand as one that they know in a certain product
Ambush or parasitic marketing : an organisation deliberately
seeking an association with a particular event without being
an official sponsor of the event to persuade the audience that
the ambusher is a legitimate or major sponsor. A company
may be a minor sponsor of an event but, by spending
considerable budgets on advertising support, it creates the
impression of being an important sponsor.
Anchor deals : the presence of a brand on certain content
sites and portals as a supplier of brand-related content
continuously for a long period.
Apps or mobile applications : software applications, usually
designed to run on smart phones and tablet computers.
Arbitrary budgeting method : whatever the general manager
or managing director decides will be implemented.
ATR model : A wareness→ T rial→ R einforcement. Marketing
communications first arouse awareness, then induce
consumers towards a first trial purchase and then reassure
and reinforce those users after their first purchase.
Attitude : a person’s overall evaluation of an object, a product,
a person, an organisation, an ad, etc. An attitude towards a
particular brand (Ab) can be considered as a measure of how
much a person likes or dislikes the brand, or of the extent to
which he or she holds a favourable or unfavourable view of it.
Augmented product : the ‘service layer’ on top of the tangible
product. It includes elements such as prompt delivery, installation
service, after-sales service and management of complaints.
Banner ads : graphic images (animated gifs or Java applets)
used as advertisements.
Bastion brand : flagship brand of a company that provides
most profit for the company, often follows a premium price
strategy, is characterised by a high level of psycho-social
meaning and is generally considered as a high-performance
Behavioural segmentation : dividing the market into segments
referring to product or brand preferences or use, or
involvement with product categories.

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