Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

34 BARRON’S March9,2020


Service-sector jobs grew by 167,000 in February and

195,000 in January. They could be particularly

exposed to a coronavirus shock.

In Coronavirus, a Test

Of Sectors’ Resiliency

And Vulnerabilities


t’s understandable that inves-

tors blew off the February jobs

report Friday, given the data

was collected before the new

coronavirus began spreading

meaningfully within the U.S.

But the state of the economy

heading into the shock shouldn’t be

ignored, because of what it signals

about the ability of American busi-

nesses and consumers to absorb it.

First, to recap. The Labor Depart-

ment said employers added a much

bigger-than-expected 273,000 jobs last

month, matching January’s revised

increase. Unusually warm weather and

some temporary census hiring helped

lift the numbers, but they’re nonethe-

less impressive and represent the stron-

gest consecutive gains since May 2018.

Notable, in the context of how well

the economy might stand up to a coro-

navirus hit, has been the rise in service-

sector jobs over the past six months.

The sector, which accounts for about

80% of U.S. jobs and overall economic

input, is more vulnerable to the corona-

virus threat compared with the manu-

facturing sector. After all, a person

probably wouldn’t get two haircuts to

make up for a missed one but would

still replace a broken washing machine.

Service jobs grew by 167,000 in

February and 195,000 in January,

powered in part by leisure and hospi-

tality, including bars and restaurants.

That is welcome news because it will

help workers most vulnerable to lay-

offs tied to the outbreak, says Diane

Swonk, chief economist at Grant

Thornton. “The strong February num-

bers will be a cushion to blunt the

blow of the virus when it hits their

paychecks,” she says, should consum-

ers increasingly stay home. That is in

part because more people on payrolls

now means more will be eligible for

unemployment benefits should layoffs

come. At the same time, a tight labor

market may make companies more

reluctant to let go of workers unless

the situation significantly deteriorates.

The other industry driving service-

sector job gains is health care, and that

trend continued last month. “It looks

like employers in that industry will

have to ramp up hiring,” says Nick

Bunker, economist at the job website

Indeed, given demands on health-care

facilities as the virus spreads.

While the February jobs data

should give investors some solace that

the broad U.S. economy through at

least mid-February was faring well

enough to mostly withstand a coming

blow from the virus, we would be re-

miss not to acknowledge soft spots.

In the event of exogenous shocks,

weak links usually crack first, says

Nancy Lazar and Aneta Markowska,

economist at Cornerstone Macro. One

way of looking for those is by examin-

ing interest coverage ratios, a measure

of how easily a company can pay off

its debt based on its profit. When

companies start having a harder time

paying down debt, the ratio rises and

could portend layoffs and other prob-

lems like default.

The average ratio across U.S. com-

panies is currently above 4, so the cor-

porate sector seems to have a sizable

buffer for absorbing potential shocks,

Lazar and Markowska say. They define

weak links in the U.S. as companies

with coverage ratios below 3, or those

that are still very much solvent but

vulnerable to outsize revenue drops.

Once coverage ratios fall to around 3,

the pair says, corporate America tends

to come under restructuring pressures

that ultimately lead to recessions.

Using Cornerstone’s methodology

and data from Bloomberg,Barron’s

looked at the S&P 1500 for a sense of

how many companies are “weak

links” and which industries are in that

way most exposed to a shock from the

coronavirus or elsewhere. About 400

made the list of companies with inter-

est coverage ratios below 3.

Lazar and Markowska say that

comparing current coverage ratios

with the previous economic expan-

sion, the energy and health-care sec-

tors stand out as being particularly

vulnerable (though health care may

benefit from the virus as energy feels

supply-chain pain). Of the S&P 1500,

both sectors have about 50 companies

with coverage ratios below 3.Chev-

ron(CVX),Occidental Petroleum

(OXY), andHess(HES) are among

those energy companies, with ratios of

0.1, 0.4, and 1.5, respectively. Within

health care, hospital operatorTenet

Healthcare(THC), X-ray makerVa-

rex Imaging(VREX), and managed-

care providerMagellan Health

(MGLN) are some noteworthy names,

faring at 1.4, 2.2, and 2.7, respectively.

Should the virus keep people home,

a slowdown in consumer spending

would no doubt hurt the consumer-

discretionary sector, where service

operators and retailers are the weak-

est spots. Restaurant chainsJack in

the Box(JACK) andWendy’s(WEN)

have ratios of 2.4 and 1.8, respectively,

while retailersL Brands(LB) and

Office Depot(ODP) are at 0.7 and

2.1, respectively.

Areas demonstrating relative

strength on the basis of interest cover-

age ratios are consumer staples, a typi-

cal place of relative safety, and finan-

cials, which have been hammered by

the Federal Reserve’s emergency rate

cut. Just 13 consumer-staples compa-

nies make the list, includingMolson

Coors(TAP) at 2.6 andCampbell

Soup(CPB)—a beneficiary of outbreak

preparation—at 2.7. Meanwhile, only

four financials register below 3, includ-

ingCapstead Mortgage(CMO) at 1.2.

Could weak corporate links take

down the broader economy? Lazar

and Markowska say that depends on

the size of the shock, but they note

that vulnerable firms account for a

historically small share of sales, capi-

tal expenditures, employment, and

debt outstanding. What’s more, two of

the sectors most at risk of supply

chain disruptions—industrials and

technology—have relatively healthy

ratios and should be able to withstand

the impact.

The upshot: The state of the corpo-

rate sector cuts the odds of unchecked

contagion, giving investors reason to

believe the U.S. economy will survive

the coronavirus, even if data over the

next few months look bleak.B

By Lisa Beilfuss

A Picture of Health as a Viral Threat Looms

Solid hiring broadly and within the key services sector, as well as consistently low jobless claims, suggest

American businesses are operating from a solid base heading into the coronavirus threat.

*Monthly. Source: Bloomberg

Change in Nonfarm Payrolls Change in Service Sector Payrolls Weekly Initial Jobless Claims

2010 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’20




0.5 Mil
Service Sector Payrolls

Leisure & Hospitality Payrolls

Health-Care Payrolls

2015 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20





2015 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20




350 thousand

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